Am Montag, dem 08.02.2021 um 15:53 -0500 schrieb Nate Whetsell:
> Hi there,
> Thank you for all your work on LilyPond!
> It appears to be impossible to use a Melody_engraver in a Voice that also 
> includes a CueVoice. Here’s a LilyPond example that illustrates the issue:
> ```
> \version "2.22.0"
> \new Voice \with {
>   \consists "Melody_engraver"
>   \override Stem.neutral-direction = #'()
> } {
>   <<
>     { r }
>     \new CueVoice { c'' }
>   >>
> }
> ```
> LilyPond outputs:
> GNU LilyPond 2.22.0
> Processing `'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...Assertion failed: (d == 1 || d == -1), function at, file 
> /private/tmp/lilypond-20210130-26352-lkbhbf/lilypond-2.22.0/build/../flower/include/drul-array.hh,
>  line 35.

Yep, that doesn't look good. Thanks for the already reduced example,
I've opened to track
this issue.


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