On 2020-10-05 9:50 am, Rutger Hofman wrote:
Good evening bug list,
when a beam of notes with stem tremolo switches staff, the result is
decidedly buggy. See source and png. Adding \stemUp|Down doesn't make
things better. Without stem tremolo or without staff switch, things
are fine.
You can see the issue perhaps a little better with some manual tweaking
and a comparison without tremolo:
\version "2.20.0"
music = \relative c'' {
f,16-\tweak positions #'(5 . 5) [
e d c \change Staff = down b a g f]
\change Staff = up
f'16-\tweak positions #'(5 . 5) [
e d c g'' f e d]
f,16:32-\tweak positions #'(5 . 5) [
e: d: c: \change Staff = down b: a: g: f:]
\change Staff = up
f'16:32-\tweak positions #'(5 . 5) [
e: d: c: g'': f: e: d:]
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = up { \music }
\new Staff = down { \clef bass s1*2 }
When the StemTremolo is present, Stem lengths are not calculated
properly for cross-staff notes. The broken lower notes have the same
lengths as notes in equivalent positioning within the upper Staff. It
would seem the Beam positions need to be adjusted when crossing the
Staff to account for the separation of the staves. Otherwise, the lower
notes *think* the Beam is much closer than it is.
-- Aaron Hill
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