Michael Käppler <xmichae...@web.de> writes:

> Am 08.09.2020 um 22:37 schrieb James Lowe:
>> On 08/09/2020 20:15, Thomas Morley wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> this came up in the german forum:
>>> \context Staff { b1 }
>>> \addlyrics { foo }
>>> results in not printed lyrics and the warning:
>>> warning: cannot find Voice `uniqueContext0'
>>> \addlyrics
>>>             { foo }
>>> It worked up to 2.18.2 but fails for 2.20.0 and upstream
>>> Changing the code to use
>>> \context Voice or \new Voice or \new Staff
>>> works.
>>> Cheers,
>>>    Harm
>> It seems it occurred somewhere in those builds that we can no longer
>> compile by default. Also see:
>> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2020-02/msg01024.html
>> i.e. 2.19.12 does NOT have the warning and I cannot compile another
>> build until 2.19.38 where the warning is already manifest.
>> I tried to do what David suggested in that email thread above but was
>> unsuccessful with cherry picking (more my skills than David's
>> instructions though), so this is going to be tedious to bisect I expect.
>> James
> I can try to hunt this down today, but please, gurus, intervene if you
> have an immediate guess what's going on.

commit df3457d85ebfa4bc347a4569241227449f84b901
Author: David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>
Date:   Tue Sep 9 11:14:34 2014 +0200

    Allow \addlyrics to work with arbitrary contexts

would be my guess.  Version 2.19.14.

David Kastrup

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