Am Sonntag, den 30.08.2020, 18:47 +0200 schrieb Noeck:
> Hi Jonas,
> thank you for your help and thank you for driving the switch to gitlab.
> I tried several times in the last 10 years to contribute to LilyPond but
> it was always complicated and I never succeeded. I'll see how this works
> out now, but it is really straight forward so far. Thank you!
> The merge request is on gitlab:
> I put the changes in 5 separate commits.

Good, please see my review comment.

> Is it correct to create a merge request to master? It is only a direct
> push to master that is problematic, right?

Yes, targeting master is correct. Changes can only be merged to master
after testing, which is enforced by GitLab.


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