Am Mi., 29. Juli 2020 um 23:39 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley <>: > > Am Mi., 29. Juli 2020 um 23:37 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley > <>: > > > > Hi, > > > > this just popped up in the german forum: > > > > The two scores below return different output since 2.20.0. (see > > attached) and warnings/errors are emitted for the first score: > > warning: barcheck failed at: 1/4 > > R1 > > > > programming error: Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned! > > > > With 2.18.2 it's the same. > > > > \version "2.20.0" > > > > takte = { \time 3/4 s2.*2 \time 4/4 s1*2 } > > > > noten = { > > \repeat volta 2 { R2. } > > \alternative { { r2. } { r1 } > > } > > R1 > > } > > > > \score { \new Staff << \takte \noten >> } > > \score { \new Staff << \noten \takte >> } > > > > Cheers, > > Harm > > And the image:
Here some more research on it, with extended test-cases: control = { \time 3/4 \repeat volta 2 { s2. } \alternative { { s2. } { \time 4/4 s1 } } s1 } notes = { \repeat volta 2 { R2. } \alternative { { R2. } { R1 } } R1 } %% Order matters \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "1" } << \control \notes >> } \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2" } << \notes \control >> } %% From commit-message of f372c695a52cf83ea00ff3be40acc542b4d46cbd \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "3" } \relative { \partial 4 \repeat volta 4 { e'4 | c2 d2 | e2 f2 | } \alternative { { g4 g g } { a a a a } } a b2. } %% Accidental missing \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "4" } \relative { \partial 4 \repeat volta 2 { d'4 | g1 | } \alternative { { fis2. } { fis1 } } g1 } (1) With released 2.18.2 Scores 1+2 look good, 3+4 not, score-4 misses the accidental in 2nd repeat. No error/warning (2) With a build out of commit f372c695a52cf83ea00ff3be40acc542b4d46cbd Author: David Kastrup <> Date: Sun Nov 3 15:01:10 2013 +0100 Issue 355: \repeat bar lines get messed up % the second repeat should start at the beginning of a bar, not % continue from the incomplete bar in the first ending. \version "2.17.30" \new Staff \relative { \partial 4 \repeat volta 4 { e' | c2 d2 | e2 f2 | } \alternative { { g4 g g } { a a a a } } a b2. } (first commit changing the previous behaviour) Scores 1+2 look bad and emit barcheck-warnings and errors about not spanned MultiMeasureRest Score 3 looks good Score 4 looks good as well, apart from the missing Accidental (3) With a build out of commit b79db5deaf2159b569b1f9dab9c0fd59c3ff0533 (HEAD) Author: David Kastrup <> Date: Mon Jan 13 12:45:33 2014 +0100 Issue 3792: \time change under last \alternative does not persist (first commit changing the previous behaviour) Score 1 looks bad and emits barcheck-warnings and errors about not spanned MultiMeasureRest Score 2, 3, 4 look good (no warning or error) Score 4 still misses the Accidental This is still the behavior for current master. I don't understand why score-1 is still bad and of course the Accidental shouldn't be suppressed. David I cc you, because you're the author of the mentioned patches, any idea to improve? Thanks, Harm _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list