Hi Valentin,

Le lun. 15 juin 2020 à 11:13, Valentin Villenave <valen...@villenave.net> a
écrit :

Hey Pierre,
> thanks for investigating this!  Do you have access to the GitLab
> tracker?  I think you should go ahead and open a page there (assuming
> there isn’t one already;

Actually no, not on this computer.
But you're right, this could be an opportunity for me to do so!
Anyway, I did not find any tracker about this.

> I remember seeing some regtests about that
> stuff but I’m too fuzzy to be of any help).

Yep: ‘rest-dot-position.ly’, which actually shows the issue:

\version "2.20"
\layout { indent = 0 }
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

mus = {
  r\longa. r\breve.
  r1. r2. r4.
  \once \override Rest.style = #'classical r4.
  \once \override Rest.style = #'z r4.
  r8. r16.
%% just to show:
  \override Dots.color = #red
  r32. r64. r64.

vI = \new Voice { \voiceOne   \mus }
vII = \new Voice { \voiceTwo   \mus }
vIII = \new Voice { \voiceThree \mus }
vIV = \new Voice { \voiceFour  \mus }

  \set Score.timing = ##f
  \set Score.initialTimeSignatureVisibility = ##(#f #f #f)
  \bar "" \break
  << \vI \vII >>
  \bar "" \break
  << \vI \vII \vIII >>
  \bar "" \break
  << \vI \vII \vIII \vIV >>

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