Hello! During my last editing job I had to engrave a lot of these types of
acciaccaturas and I found that the acciaccatura slur doesn't seem very well
places, and it collides a lot with accidentals.

\relative {
\time 2/4
\acciaccatura c'''8 c,4
\acciaccatura cis'8 cis,4
\acciaccatura c8 c,4
\acciaccatura cis'8 cis,4

I don't recall right now a good example of this notation from the
literature, but I think the output should be something like

\relative {
\time 2/4
\override Slur.control-points = #'((-0.2 . 4) (-0.8 . 3) (-0.5 . 1) (1 . 0))
\acciaccatura c'''8 c,4
\override Slur.control-points = #'((-1.2 . 4) (-1.8 . 3) (-1.5 . 1) (0 . 0))
\acciaccatura cis'8 cis,4
% etc

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