On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 3:09 PM Jahrme Risner <lilyp...@jahrme.com> wrote:

> One slight correction here, MacPorts will provide pre-built binaries when
> available, building from source is usually only needed if you are on an
> unusual platform or attempt to upgrade immediately after an update has been
> submitted.

You’re quite right; thanks for the correction (although builds with
variants still go from source, right?). I still think .app bundles play
nicer with Mac OS and are easier to work with in terms of being
self-contained, but I should have been more precise.

(Fun fact: the MacPorts install on the box that I’m using to produce the
LilyPond builds *does* have to install everything from source, because I
put MacPorts in a nonstandard location to make system administration
easier.  Apparently MacPorts builds for a specific installation location...)


> --
Marnen Laibow-Koser mar...@marnen.org http://www.marnen.org Sent from Gmail
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