Good morning bug list,

if a grace note occurs in another Staff or another Voice, a hairpin that should end before the barline (to-barline = ##t) behaves as if to-barline = ##f. I have no doubt that this is a bug.

It occurs in all lilypond versions I have on my system: 2.18.2, 2.19.83, 2.21.0 (self-compiled on Ubuntu).

Attached .ly and .pdf files. It contains two cases: (1) grace note in another Staff and (2) grace note in another Voice in the same Staff. The third & fourth bar in the examples show the correct (to-barline = ##t) behaviour.

Rutger Hofman
% No version because across different versions

\score {
        \new Staff {
            \relative c'' {
                c1 | \grace b8 c1 |
                c1 | c1 |
        \new Staff {
            \relative c'' {
                c1\< | c1\! |
                c1\< | c1\! |

\score {
    \new Staff <<
        \relative c'' {
            c1 | \grace b8 c1 |
            c1 | c1 |
        \new Voice \relative c' {
            c1\< | c1\! |
            c1\< | c1\! |

Attachment: hairpin-grace-2.18.pdf
Description: hairpin-grace-2.18.pdf

Attachment: hairpin-grace-2.21.pdf
Description: hairpin-grace-2.21.pdf

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