
please always answer to the list.

Am 18.10.19 um 12:03 schrieb CieMaKat .:
Thanks for your answer -- that's it. I couldn't find such restriction in the documentation.

I'm facing another problem, which is related to the previous one. Looks like notation font is not scalled correctly.

You have to set #:factor. That’s another thing that might need better documentation?

#(define fonts
    #:music "gonville"
    #:brace "gonville"
    #:factor (/ staff-height 20 pt)))

But maybe we should make a feature request for both “problems”:

1. Setting the staffsize shouldn’t reset the fonts.
2. Manually setting #:factor shouldn’t be necessary because it’s always (/ staff-height 20 pt), isn’t it?


Minimal example the same as before with \paper section moved to the very bottom and staff size changed to 10:

        \version "2.19.83"

        #(set-global-staff-size 10)

        \score {

           \relative c' { c d es fis }


        \paper {

           #(define fonts


              #:music "gonville"

              #:brace "gonville"



Here's a result of Gonville:

The problem does not occur with default typeface (whole \paper block commented out):

pt., 18 paź 2019 o 11:25 Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de <mailto:lilyp...@maltemeyn.de>> napisał(a):

    Am 18.10.19 um 10:54 schrieb CieMaKat .:
     > Hi there.
     > I found that use of set-global-staff-size or
    layout-set-staff-size makes
     > set-global-fonts irrelevant.

    The order is important: The font settings have to come *after* the

    I’m not sure whether this really is a bug or just not well documented …

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