On 2019-09-01 7:50 pm, Jason Miller wrote:
On Sun, 01 Sep 2019 16:45:16 -0700, Aaron Hill
<lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:
On 2019-09-01 3:44 pm, Jason Miller wrote:
> See attached example. This was originally encountered on nixos, but I
> confirmed it also happens on Ubuntu.
Is this a valid case? The code as attached appears to be malformed:
Sorry, I messed up reducing it, though as posted it segfaults here.
attached a syntactically correct one now.
Not able to repro using LilyBin.com (running 2.18.2) or on my local
Ubuntu 18.04 (running 2.19.83). But this is not too surprising as the
content in the corrected foo.ly looks reasonably straightforward.
Whatever gremlin is causing problems seems to be shy or, at the very
least, machine-dependent.
For reference, are you using LilyPond from a package or from the
installation scripts on the LilyPond website? Next, in the event it's
more than just `lilypond foo.ly`, would you please provide the complete
command-line you are running? Lastly, what program output do you get
with the segfault?
-- Aaron Hill
bug-lilypond mailing list