Hi Thomas,

Thank you very much for your detailed and swift response.

You are asking why it would be of interest to have a score style header:
I am trying to mimick a Jazz Realbook as presented here:
However, instead of creating a single sheet/score, I want to join
multiple, independent scores from separate files into a book. Each score
should be valid lilypond and contain all self-describing metadata. The
style definition for all scores should not be replicated, but rather
kept in the main file, laying out the whole book. I want the solution to
be lilypond/guile only without relying on templating engines, makefiles
or alike. So, that's the plan.

B.R. Markus

On 5/1/19 11:43 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
> Am Mi., 1. Mai 2019 um 09:59 Uhr schrieb Markus Rother <m...@markusrother.de>:
>> % Embedding \fromproperty in a \score is not working (at least not) for
>> header properties.
>> % If header scope is hidden by design, how can I achieve the following?
>> % Many thanks and best regards, Markus
>> \book {
>>   \paper {
>>     indent = 0\mm
>>     scoreTitleMarkup = \markup {
>>       \fromproperty #'header:piece % works as expected
>>       \score {
>>         { s^\markup { "FOO" \fromproperty #'header:piece "BAR" } } %
>> property not visible
>>         \layout {}
>>       }
>>     }
>>   }
>>   \score {
>>     { s1 }
>>     \header {
>>       piece = "MENUET"
>>     }
>>   }
>>   \score {
>>     { s1 }
>>     \header {
>>       piece = "RONDEAU"
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
> Hi Markus,
> thanks for your report.
> As far as I understand things, \fromproperty can't be used
> successfully outside from \paper and/or in common markup.
> (score-markup is such a common markup.)
> Thus, below fails to print "MY-TITLE"
> \header { title = "MY-TITLE" }
> \markup { something \fromproperty #'header:title something }
> There is
> http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=467
> which has access to $defaultheader, thus below works
> \header { title = "MY-TITLE" }
> \markup { something \markupWithHeader \fromproperty #'header:title something }
> (code for markupWithHeader is not copied here, take it from the linked
> LSR-snippet)
> As soon as you wrap \book around above it fails again, because \header
> in book is not the $defaultheader.
> There's a TODO in said snippet:
> ";; TODO: If we are inside a score, add the score's local header block, too!"
> I don't know how, though.
> So yes, it would be nice to have a method to access book/score-header
> like the LSR-snippet does for $defaultheader.
> Not sure if possible at all...
> For now, I thought about how to find a work-around for your use-case...
> Why do you need a score _in_ scoreTitleMarkup? Likely for a short
> excerpt or hints about scordatura or similiar.
> But is it really necessary to code the piece-name as a common
> TextScript _inside_ this score?
> Probably you can do something like below. Yeah, more manual work, I know ...
> \book {
>   \paper {
>     indent = 0\mm
>     scoreTitleMarkup = \markup \column {
>       \line { \hspace #20  "FOO" \fromproperty #'header:piece "BAR" }
>       \fromproperty #'header:sample
>       \fromproperty #'header:piece
>     }
>   }
>   \score {
>     { s1 }
>     \header {
>       piece = "MENUET"
>       sample = \markup \score { cis'1 \layout { indent = 30 } }
>     }
>   }
>   \score {
>     { s1 }
>     \header {
>       piece = "RONDEAU"
>       sample = \markup \score { d'1 \layout { indent = 30 } }
>     }
>   }
> }
> Cheers,
>   Harm

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