
Find out the problem...
First the snippet number (my bad !) is : ttp://

Well after this, there is a typo error in the core of the define's section :

the define twelfthKey-str should be :

#(define twelfthKey-str (string-append 
                " -1.1 0.8 moveto /(" 
                (ly:font-config-get-font-file "Emmentaler")
                "/) findfont 1 scalefont setfont
                (12) show"))   

A missing backslash before the closed parenthesis...
However, it is strange that this gets through version 2.18 and not the 2.19.83 
(and yes i have tested it with this last version).

Sorry for all this buzz.
And thanks a lot to the author of this great snippet! It's really practical and 
great ! 


Karim Haddad

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