On 2/9/19, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> This is just broken.  It should point to VERSION_STABLE and
> VERSION_DEVEL which are always pointing to _existing_ versions rather
> than to to-be-released versions.

Huh.  There seems to be a discrepancy between what
create-weblinks-itexi.py does, and the way make/website.make works.

But I guess that when you’re building the documentation and website at
home, it makes sense for it to display "2.21" (or whatever
MINOR_VERSION is at the moment).

Is it worth opening a tracker page for that or is it trivial enough to
fix quickly? (That being said, running a simple sed script on the
webserver would also be a possible temporary fix until the website
updates can be run in sync with the new unstable release cycle.)


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