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Subject: Re: Re: The Stem of Longa notes is short when Baroque Notehead
style is used
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 11:38:56 +0100
From: Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>
To: potharn.i...@gmail.com
That sounds like a valid enhancement request, but you should back it up
with evidence (longs glyphs from other music fonts, or old
prints/manuscripts). The stem wasn't made that short by accident – it's
designer had a reason for that as well.
Best, Simon
On 30.01.2019 - 03:53, Pothárn Imre wrote:
Well, I suppose it's useless to try to argue, but that glyph might be
supposed to be like that, but it is completely useless. I am posting a
lot of Renaissance music on CPDL using the original note values. The
final note is invariably a longa, which I have always substituted with
a breve because of Lilypond's longa looks so bad with its short stem.
In Renaissance music (i.e. everywhere where this kind of note-head is
used as longa) the stem of the longa is as long as all the other
stems. So this short stem is clearly wrong. But I since I can't force
you to draw a proper longa, I must resign that I cannot use longa in
transcriptions of Renaissance music in the future, either, since
apparently you do not care. (And I think it's also useless to remind
you that other engraving programs - notably Finale - have a proper
longa, which I therefore used as a Finale user before switching to
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. jan.
29., K, 9:57):
> On 28.01.19 23:57, Pothárn Imre wrote:
> > %% The stem length of the longa is very short when Baroque
NoteHead style is
> > used.
> That’s because it’s not technically a stem, but part of the notehead
> glyph. It’s supposed to be like that.
> Best, Simon
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