> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Knut Petersen" <knut_peter...@t-online.de>
>> Yes. notation.pdf looks as if extractpdfmark/gs was not used. But the
>> part of the build log Phil published clearly proves that
>> extractpdfmark and ghostscript were used.
>> @Phil: If you have a look at the notation.pdf in the build tree: is
>> that file ok or is the same broken version as published on
>> lilypond.org?
> Please see the attached outcome from piping find to ls -l.  As you see
> the English notations vary in size, and the small ones lack the
> embedded fonts.

If I understand correctly,
at the end of `make doc`,
is copied to
So the three files should all be the same file.
But, they are different files.

Would you show us the GUB's whole lilypond-doc log file?
If you preserve the 2.19.81 (Jan. 2018) lilypond-doc log file,
I'd like to compare the 2.19.82 log file (broken PDFs)
and the 2.19.81 log file (correct PDFs).

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