On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:08 PM, Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> wrote:

> Hi Aaron
> Il giorno gio 24 mag 2018 alle 22:30, Aaron Laws <dartm...@gmail.com> ha
> scritto:
> The documentation at
>> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/setting
>> -the-staff-size
>> makes it sound like set-global-staff-size and layout-set-staff-size only
>> differ in their scope (the former affects the whole book, and the latter
>> only the score pertaining to a particular layout). Attached is a Tiny
>> Example using set-global-staff-size. Reproduction steps:
>> 1. Compile the example to "global.pdf".
>> 2. Move the comment from line 4 to line 2
>> 3. Compile the modified example to "layout.pdf"
>> If the documentation is correct, I would expect set-global-staff-size and
>> layout-set-staff-size to work the same when there is only one staff.
>> Comparing the resulting global.pdf and layout.pdf shows that this is not
>> the case.
>> I have a book with two \scores in it, and would like one to have a larger
>> set-global-staff-size than the other. I'll continue experimenting and see
>> if I can get what I want, but I thought I would drop a note about this.
> I can reproduce your problem in 2.18.2 but not in 2.19.81.
> So it seems it's been fixed. Can you confirm?
> Latest development release is here:
> http://lilypond.org/downloads/binaries/

Oh, I see! I use arch linux, so I generally take for granted that I'm
running the latest version. I see that our repositories are sorely out of
date with respect to lilypond:

Thank you for the pointer, I'll see if I can verify the fix.

In Christ,
Aaron Laws
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