Palmer Ralph <> writes:

> Hi -
> Thanks to all of you for all your hard work.
> In the rush up to leaving on a 2-month road trip that began March 29,
> I neglected to let anyone on the bug list know that I would be out of
> touch and unable to review the new bug requests while I was gone.
> After I returned, I was busy with settling back in, then entertaining
> house guests. It has looked for awhile like the list doing quite well
> without my interference.

Not my impression.  Quite a few reports lying dormant for days and I am
not sure that all of them eventually got swept up again.  "quite well"
is not my impression, more like "astonishing how much the usual suspects
manage not to let drop through the floor after all".

> Would I be missed if I resigned from the Bug Squad?

My impression is that you _have_ been missed but I cannot really speak
for those who have been tasked with picking up the slack.  And of course
you being missed cannot be converted into an obligation for you to pick
up again what amounted to doing more than a single's person share of Bug
Squad work.

David Kastrup

bug-lilypond mailing list

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