On 2018-06-09 18:11, Jason Pratt wrote:
On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 5:21 AM Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>
> I'm doing some chords+lyrics song sheets, and trying to achieve a two
> column layout.
If all you want is to write chords+lyrics, LilyPond may not be the
best tool for this purpose.
I tried to keep my example simple. The real sheets will also include
things like fret diagrams and tabs of riffs, which lilypond is useful
Another thing to consider is to use LilyPond to typeset individual
elements and then compose them within a larger document.
`lilypond-book` will let you mix TeX and LilyPond, for instance, if you
want a lot of control over the layout.
> From what I've read, the way to accomplish this is by
> putting scores within a markup block.
> This works to get the two columns, but as soon as I do it, the \paper
> variables that are controlling the vertical spacing seem to be
> ignored.
As soon as you put a score in a markup, you are in markup-mode.
Vertical spacing of multi-line-markups is controlled by 'baseline-skip
and in general not by paper-settings.
\score in \markup is a markup-command, internally calling the
markup-list-command \score-lines, which outputs a list of stencils
(here each stencil contains one line of chords/lyrics). They are
stacked vertically by \score using 'baseline-skip.
So all as expected, no bug.
When I include \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) inside the markup
block, only the space between the lyrics and the next chord line is
reduced. The space between the chords and the lyrics above them is
still very large. Is there some other way to reduce the space between
the two systems? Can you make it so that the scores inside the columns
of my simple example have the same spacing as the score above?
This is `nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing` that you want to control, since you
are talking about things within a single system. Here is a modified
version of your original code that should achieve what you want:
\version "2.18.2"
chordNames = \chordmode {
c1 f g a:m \break
c f g:7 c \break
words = \lyricmode {
\override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
Here_are some random lyrics
These are more lyrics
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a6landscape")
tagline = ##f
indent = #0
ragged-right = ##t
system-system-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 0)
(minimum-distance . 0)
(padding . 2)
(stretchability . 0))
common-layout = \layout {
\context { \ChordNames
\override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 0)
(minimum-distance . 0)
(padding . 1)
(stretchability . 0))
\context { \Lyrics
\override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new Lyrics \words
\layout { \common-layout }
\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) {
\vspace #3
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new Lyrics \words
\layout { \common-layout }
\hspace #8
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new Lyrics \words
\layout { \common-layout }
} }
Note that I included the fix for the affinity warning, since lyrics by
default have an UP affinity whereas chords are DOWN. Also, I changed
the alignment of lyrics to LEFT to match the default for chord, so it is
clearer when chord changes align with words. But that is more of a
personal preference.
P.S. As advised earlier, we should really move any more non-bug
discussion to lilypond-user.
-- Aaron Hill
bug-lilypond mailing list