Hi all,
I have regularly struggled to get this to work, and now I think there
should be an additional example in Extending, 2.4 and/or 2.5.
The description in 2.5 explains how to define a markup function that can
be used as
c' \markup \double-box "Some text"
This makes sense, as "double-box" is a natural name for a style applied
to a markup. However, pretty often one may want to have "standalone"
markup commands that can be used like e.g.
c'1 \player "Perc. 1" d' player "Perc. 2
While it's perfectly possible to use "\markup \player" here too it's
often relevant to semantically encode elements just like you encode
\mark or \fermata.
It took me some time to figure out that \double-box can be written and
used like
doubleBox =
#(define-event-function (text) (markup?)
(make-music 'TextScriptEvent 'text
(markup #:override '(box-padding . 0.4) #:box
#:override '(box-padding . 0.6) #:box text)))
\relative {
c'1 \doubleBox "Implicitly Neutral"
c -\doubleBox "Explicitly neutral"
c ^\doubleBox Above
c _\doubleBox Below
And while it's theoretically possible to infer that from the description
of the event-function \dyn in section 2.4 it is a quite far stretch to
expect users to manage that.
I can't make a proposal as a patch because I still feel too insecure
about it, but I would make two suggestions:
1) Add at the end of 2.4 something along the lines of
It may also be useful to specify markup commands that way. See the
example in "Markup Functions".
2) In 2.5, before the section "Adapting builtin commands", add something
along the lines of
Sometimes it is desirable to create "standalone" markup commands
that can directly be used *in place* of `\markup` with formatting
commands. To achieve this one has to write an "event function" and
create a TextScriptEvent and within that a markup definition. Note
how the following command can be used with or without directional
I'm not sure if it's good to rewrite the \double-box example as I did
above. While this would highlight the difference in implementation and
usage it might be confusing as for the possible semantic use. Maybe the
following example would be clearer:
player =
#(define-event-function (name) (markup?)
(make-music 'TextScriptEvent 'text
(markup #:italic #:with-color red name)))
\relative {
c'1 ^\player Juliet
d \player Romeo
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