2018-02-22 21:49 GMT+01:00 Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de>:
> It seems to be a bug. Worked as expected in 2.18.2, doesn’t work in 2.19.81
> and current master.
> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Betreff: stanza alignment
> Datum: Sat, 11 Nov 2017 12:08:53 +0100
> Von: Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de>
> An: lilypond-user <lilypond-u...@gnu.org>
> Hi list,
> when I have multiple verses the stanza numbers are aligned. This works also
> I put some verses above the a staff and some below. But it doesn’t work
> anymore if I then add another staff. Any ideas how to solve this problem? Is
> this a bug?
> Cheers,
> Malte
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.80"
> <<
>    % uncommenting the following line will break (?) the stanza alignment
>    %\new Staff { b b b b }
>    \lyrics {
>      \set stanza = "3." a a a a
>    }
>    \new Staff { b b b b }
>    \lyrics {
>      \set stanza = "1." aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a a a
>    }
>    \lyrics {
>      \set stanza = "2." a a a a
>    }
>  >>

Behaviour changed between 2.19.8 and 2.19.9.

commit c73b41b3e7be6d7280c6336cf03610cd7aed3000
Author: Janek Warchoł <lemniskata.bernoull...@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Mar 17 21:22:32 2013 +0100

    Issue 3254: align unassociated lyrics using NoteColumn extent.

    This makes unassociated lyrics behave consistently with
    associated lyrics.  Until now, "standalone" lyrics
    were left-aligned (more precisely: their X-offset was 0);
    changing self-alignment-X didn't have any effect on them.
    Now it's possible to specify their alignment, like with
    associated lyrics.

    Also, this changes how issue 104 was resolved (see 0b14e8b2e122d) -
    alignment of syllables that are associated to a context without
    noteheads is no longer aborted - and solves issue 247.

    Later on, these changes should allow using aligned_on_parent for
    other grobs (such as DynamicTexts).

    Expected changes in output: all lyrics should be centered by default.

Looks like a good candidate.


\layout {
  \context {
    \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT

seems to restore previous state.


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