2017-11-08 23:40 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I just tried to to update/review and modify an old score. I've got an
>> assertion failure.
>> With released 2.19.65:
>> /home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/linux-64/src/lilypond-git.sv.gnu.org--lilypond.git-release-unstable/lily/grob-property.cc:242:
>> scm_unused_struct* Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**,
>> SCM, SCM): Assertion `((((scm_t_bits) (0? (*(SCM*)0=((value))):
>> (value))) == ((scm_t_bits) (0? (*(SCM*)0=(((SCM) ((((4)) << 8) +
>> scm_tc8_flag)))): ((SCM) ((((4)) << 8) + scm_tc8_flag)))))) ||
>> (((scm_t_bits) (0? (*(SCM*)0=(value)): value)) == ((scm_t_bits) (0?
>> (*(SCM*)0=(marker)): marker)))' failed.
>> Aborted (core dumped)
>> With a build from recent master:
>> /home/hermann/lilypond-git/lily/grob-property.cc:242:
>> scm_unused_struct* Grob::try_callback_on_alist(scm_unused_struct**,
>> SCM, SCM): Assertion `scm_is_null (value) || scm_is_eq (value,
>> marker)' failed.
> Hey, that error message is an improvement.


> The funny thing is that I am
> responsible for that improvement (because those error messages were
> getting on my nerves),

I know, you mentioned it before, somewhere on the list(s)

> but it is actually a patch to the GNU C library
> rather than to LilyPond.  It would appear that you are compiling with a
> newer version of the C library than our distributed 2.19.65 is using.


>> It took my quite a while and was going on my nerves before I found the
>> culprit in my file with a lot of included functions from other files,
>> etc, etc. The above error-messages didn't help in any way.
>> Could we please put out a meaningful message for the problem triggered
>> with (stripped down):
>> \version "2.19.65"
>> {
>>   \override Fingering #'stencil =
>>     #(lambda (grob)
>>       (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
>>         (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \normal-text "foo" #})))
>>   a''-1
>> }
>> I doubt many people would have been able to read the error and
>> directly point to the faulty coding.
> Assertion failures should not be triggered by users anyway.  They point
> to a violation of the program's assumptions severe enough that it makes
> no sense to continue.  So this should likely become a programming error
> instead.
> You still won't get sensible behavior here since the return value will
> (I think) be wrong, too.

I'm not that interested in a useful return value, but an (programming)
error-message pointing to the location would be great.
If not possible to point to the location, maybe something like "Can't
set property 'stencil while setting 'stencil".
Well, the wording is not accurate, but you may get the point!?


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