I am using lilypond-book to compile snippets in a lytex file; but I don't want to recompile any snippets that have already been created.
This works as expected when running the command $ C:/Python27/python "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-book.py" --pdf file0.lytex; on the lytex file below (output shown in Compilation 1 and Compilation 2) However, when I add either \bookOutputName "gregorian" or \bookOutputSuffix "gregorian" (it could be any name) after the book block, then run the command above twice, it still recompiles the files on every run instead of skipping over them on the second run like I would expect. (output shown in Compilation 1bookOutputName and Compilation 2bookOutputName) Is there any way to get it so that it does not recompile those files on the second run when adding (\bookOutputName or \bookOutputSuffix)? (in other words, get Compilation 1bookOutputName and Compilation 2bookOutputName to look like Compilation 1 and Compilation 2)? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The lytex file (file0.lytex): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{lilypond} \include "english.ly" #(ly:set-option 'midi-extension "mid") #(set-global-staff-size 20) melone = \relative { \time 4/4 \key c \major c'4^\markup{Gregorian No1} d ef f g af a bf bf a af g f ef d c } \book { \paper { paper-height = 11\in paper-width = 8.5\in line-width = #185 indent = -1\in ragged-last = ##f two-sided = ##f page-breaking = #ly:page-turn-breaking tagline = "" } \bookpart { \score { << \new Staff {\transpose c c \melone } >> \layout { \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } \Score \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/8) } \midi {} } } } \end{lilypond} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Compilation 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ C:/Python27/python "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-book.py" --pdf file0.lytex; Processing `./snippet-map--1930243712.ly' Parsing... Processing `./6d/lily-6b289e98.ly' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... Interpreting music... MIDI output to `./6d/lily-6b289e98.mid'... Calculating page and line breaks (1 possible page breaks)...[1] Drawing systems... Layout output to `./6d/lily-6b289e98.eps'... Converting to `./6d/lily-6b289e98.pdf'... Layout output to `./6d/lily-6b289e98-1.eps'... Converting to `./6d/lily-6b289e98-1.pdf'... Writing ./6d/lily-6b289e98-systems.texi... Writing ./6d/lily-6b289e98-systems.tex... Writing ./6d/lily-6b289e98-systems.count... Success: compilation successfully completed lilypond-book.py (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.80 Reading file0.lytex... Running `pdflatex' on file `c:\users\user\appdata\local\temp\tmp2m6jfi.tex' to detect default page settings. lilypond-book.py: warning: Unable to auto-detect default settings: lilypond-book.py: warning: cannot detect textwidth from LaTeX Dissecting... Writing snippets... Processing... Running lilypond... Linking files... Compiling C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex... Writing `C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex'... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Compilation 2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ C:/Python27/python "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-book.py" --pdf file0.lytex; lilypond-book.py (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.80 Reading file0.lytex... Running `pdflatex' on file `c:\users\user\appdata\local\temp\tmpefpoax.tex' to detect default page settings. lilypond-book.py: warning: Unable to auto-detect default settings: lilypond-book.py: warning: cannot detect textwidth from LaTeX Dissecting... Writing snippets... All snippets are up to date... Linking files... Compiling C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex... C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex is up to date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Compilation 1bookOutputName) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ C:/Python27/python "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-book.py" --pdf file0.lytex; Processing `./snippet-map-225619896.ly' Parsing... Processing `./6c/lily-409f758a.ly' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... Interpreting music... MIDI output to `gregorian.mid'... Calculating page and line breaks (1 possible page breaks)...[1] Drawing systems... Layout output to `gregorian.eps'... Converting to `gregorian.pdf'... Layout output to `gregorian-1.eps'... Converting to `./gregorian-1.pdf'... Writing gregorian-systems.texi... Writing gregorian-systems.tex... Writing gregorian-systems.count... Success: compilation successfully completed lilypond-book.py (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.80 Reading file0.lytex... Running `pdflatex' on file `c:\users\user\appdata\local\temp\tmpeqxo6v.tex' to detect default page settings. lilypond-book.py: warning: Unable to auto-detect default settings: lilypond-book.py: warning: cannot detect textwidth from LaTeX Dissecting... Writing snippets... Processing... Running lilypond... Linking files... Compiling C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex... Writing `C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex'... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Compilation 2bookOutputName) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ C:/Python27/python "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-book.py" --pdf file0.lytex; Processing `./snippet-map-225619896.ly' Parsing... Processing `./6c/lily-409f758a.ly' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... Interpreting music... MIDI output to `gregorian.mid'... Calculating page and line breaks (1 possible page breaks)...[1] Drawing systems... Layout output to `gregorian.eps'... Converting to `gregorian.pdf'... Layout output to `gregorian-1.eps'... Converting to `./gregorian-1.pdf'... Writing gregorian-systems.texi... Writing gregorian-systems.tex... Writing gregorian-systems.count... Success: compilation successfully completed lilypond-book.py (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.80 Reading file0.lytex... Running `pdflatex' on file `c:\users\user\appdata\local\temp\tmpuk4pby.tex' to detect default page settings. lilypond-book.py: warning: Unable to auto-detect default settings: lilypond-book.py: warning: cannot detect textwidth from LaTeX Dissecting... Writing snippets... Processing... Running lilypond... Linking files... Compiling C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex... C:\Users\User\Documents\autocompiler_files\file0.tex is up to date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond