2017-10-03 18:18 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>: > Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes: > >> Version: 2.16.2: longa-note-head-stencil Y-extent: (-0.550006 . 0.550006) >> Version: 2.19.65: longa-note-head-stencil Y-extent: (-0.72 . 3.519982) >> >> It's caused by: >> >> commit f494ef0afc8aed378bd778cd51a294804a8ee5d4 >> Author: Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> >> Date: Mon Jul 29 16:09:29 2013 +0100 >> >> Corrects bounding box for longa (Issue 826) >> >> related is: >> >> commit b27354f5fd0df898310a354c4031c2c701ecebaa >> Author: Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> >> Date: Mon Jul 29 15:21:46 2013 +0100 >> >> Fixes bounding boxes for breves, improves longas (Issue 3480) >> >> Those patches tackle the skyline-problem, which causes the cut off previews. >> So it's no good option to revert them. >> >> Maybe glissando should look at staff-position? > > That sounds sensible.
I'm afraid this will mean C++ work beyond my capabilities. Nevertheless, I tested all noteheads for their bounding-boxes by putting them in box-markup. Below the code I used (here limited to default-heads and the various mensural-note-heads). It looks only the default was changed not the mensural-heads. Image attached. Cheers, Harm %% after %% Documentation/included/font-table.ly \version "2.19.65" \pointAndClickOff #(define noteheads (filter (lambda (s) (string-contains s "noteheads")) (ly:otf-glyph-list (ly:system-font-load "emmentaler-20")))) #(define box-glyphs (lambda (n) (markup #:line ( #:pad-to-box '(0 . 5) '(0 . 0) #:box #:musicglyph n #:fontsize -1 n)))) #(define (tst nh-strg) (make-line-markup (list (make-box-markup (string-upcase nh-strg)) (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 1) (make-column-markup (map box-glyphs (filter (lambda (nh) (string-contains nh nh-strg)) noteheads))))))) %% Default Noteheads $(make-line-markup (list (make-box-markup (string-upcase "default heads")) (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 1) (make-column-markup (map box-glyphs '("noteheads.uM2" "noteheads.dM2" "noteheads.sM1" "noteheads.sM1double" "noteheads.s0" "noteheads.s1" "noteheads.s2")))))) %% including: %% mensural, neomensural, ligmensural, semimensural, blackmensural $(tst "mensural") %% all ok with: % $(tst "vaticana") % $(tst "medicaea") % $(tst "hufnagel") % $(tst "petrucci") % $(tst "solesmes") % $(tst "kievan") %% The following are not tested above, nothing fishy to be expected, though %% NR A.8 The Emmentaler font: %% Special Notehead glyphs %% Shape-note Notehead glyphs %% Testing all noteheads: %% \pageBreak $(map box-glyphs noteheads)
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