Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Nevertheless some observations/thoughts:
> (1)
> deleting FingeringEvent from this list makes the initial reported code
> work as expected
> (2)
> obviously StringNumberEvents and StrokeFingerEvent are not even
> mentioned, why? What makes them different?

Can't historically be on chords (they'd get ignored).

> (3)
> has it something to do with the known mess of Fingering_engraver and
> New_fingering_engraver.
> (4)
> has it something to do with stopping wrapping all in event-chords?
> Because fingering can occur in the 'articulations of a note-event and
> in the elements of an event-chord? See:
> { \displayMusic <a-1>-2 }

articulate is from before Issue 2240 time and is written that way.  It
has been "adapted" by calling event-chord-wrap! and thus does its job
using pre-2240 expression handling (rhythmic events are always in an

David Kastrup

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