David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes: > "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> writes: > >> "Werner LEMBERG" <w...@gnu.org> wrote in message >> news:20160614.060033.1990219825710207668...@gnu.org... >>> >>>> This indexing issue, however, might well be a reasonable incentive >>>> to bite the bullet and move to a current Texinfo version. >>>> >>>> Thoughts? >>> >>> I support your suggestion. >>> >> >> +1 > > Huh, I have to try. I just remember that we likely are still using > texi2html for our web page generation, and I have no idea how _that_ > does the indexing. If we can only create better sorted indices for PDF > and/or Info, that would be sort of a let-down.
A cursory glance would suggest that the following commands are entered both with and without backslash via @funindex: \accepts \acciaccatura \addChordShape \addInstrumentDefinition \addlyrics \addQuote \aeolian \afterGrace \aikenHeads \aikenHeadsMinor \alias \arpeggio \arpeggioArrowDown \arpeggioArrowUp \arpeggioBracket \arpeggioNormal \arpeggioParenthesis \arpeggioParenthesisDashed \arrow-head \ascendens \auctum \autoBeamOff \autoBeamOn \autochange \balloonGrobText \balloonLengthOff \balloonLengthOn \balloonText \bar \barNumberCheck \beamExceptions \bendAfter \bold \book \box \bracket \breathe \breve \cadenzaOff \cadenzaOn \caesura \cavum \center-align \center-column \change \chordmode \circle \clef \column \combine \compressFullBarRests \compressMMRests \consists \context \cr \cresc \crescHairpin \crescTextCresc \cueClef \cueDuring \cueDuringWithClef \decr \decresc \defaultTimeSignature \defineBarLine \deminutum \denies \descendens \dim \dimHairpin \dimTextDecr \dimTextDecresc \dimTextDim \displayLilyMusic \displayMusic \divisioMaior \divisioMaxima \divisioMinima \dorian \dotsDown \dotsNeutral \dotsUp \draw-circle \draw-line \drummode \dynamic \dynamicDown \dynamicNeutral \dynamicUp \easyHeadsOff \easyHeadsOn \epsfile \espressivo \expandFullBarRests \f \featherDurations \fermataMarkup \ff \fff \ffff \fffff \filled-box \fill-line \finalis \finger \fixed \fontsize \fp \fret-diagram \fret-diagram-terse \fret-diagram-verbose \funkHeads \funkHeadsMinor \general-align \glissando \grace \halign \harmonic \hbracket \header \hideKeySignature \hideNotes \hideStaffSwitch \huge \improvisationOff \improvisationOn \incipit \inclinatum \instrumentSwitch \inversion \ionian \italic \justified-lines \justify \keepWithTag \key \killCues \laissezVibrer \large \larger \layout \left-align \linea \locrian \longa \lower \lydian \lyricmode \lyricsto \magnify \magnifyMusic \major \makeClusters \mark \markLengthOff \markLengthOn \markup \markuplist \maxima \mergeDifferentlyDottedOff \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOff \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \mf \midi \minor \mixolydian \modalInversion \modalTranspose \mp \musicglyph \name \new \noBeam \normalsize \normal-size-super \null \numericTimeSignature \octaveCheck \omit \once \oneVoice \oriscus \ottava \override \overrideProperty \overrideTimeSignatureSettings \p \pad-around \pad-markup \pad-to-box \pad-x \parallelMusic \parenthesize \partcombine \partcombineApart \partcombineAutomatic \partcombineChords \partcombineSoloI \partcombineSoloII \partcombineUnisono \partial \phrasingSlurDashed \phrasingSlurDashPattern \phrasingSlurDotted \phrasingSlurDown \phrasingSlurHalfDashed \phrasingSlurHalfSolid \phrasingSlurNeutral \phrasingSlurSolid \phrasingSlurUp \phrygian \pitchedTrill \postscript \powerChords \pp \ppp \pppp \ppppp \predefinedFretboardsOff \predefinedFretboardsOn \quilisma \quoteDuring \raise \relative \remove \RemoveEmptyStaves \removeWithTag \repeatTie \rest \retrograde \revert \revertTimeSignatureSettings \rfz \right-align \rightHandFinger \rounded-box \sacredHarpHeads \sacredHarpHeadsMinor \scaleDurations \score \set \sf \sff \sfz \shiftOff \shiftOn \shiftOnn \shiftOnnn \showKeySignature \showStaffSwitch \single \skip \slurDashed \slurDashPattern \slurDotted \slurDown \slurHalfDashed \slurHalfSolid \slurNeutral \slurSolid \slurUp \small \smaller \sostenutoOff \sostenutoOn \southernHarmonyHeads \southernHarmonyHeadsMinor \sp \spp \startGroup \startStaff \startTextSpan \startTrillSpan \stemDown \stemNeutral \stemUp \stopGroup \stopStaff \stopTextSpan \stopTrillSpan \storePredefinedDiagram \stringTuning \stringTunings \stropha \sub \super \sustainOff \sustainOn \tabFullNotation \tag \taor \teeny \tempo \textLengthOff \textLengthOn \textSpannerDown \textSpannerNeutral \textSpannerUp \thumb \tieDashed \tieDotted \tieDown \tieNeutral \tieSolid \tieUp \time \times \tiny \translate \translate-scaled \transpose \transposedCueDuring \transposition \treCorde \triangle \trill \tuplet \tupletDown \tupletNeutral \tupletUp \tweak \type \unaCorda \underline \unHideNotes \unset \virga \virgula \voiceFour \voiceOne \voiceThree \voiceTwo \walkerHeads \walkerHeadsMinor \with \with-color \wordwrap \wordwrap-lines -- David Kastrup _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond