Federico Bruni wrote Wednesday, September 02, 2015 4:29 AM

> Il giorno dom 30 ago 2015 alle 17:57, Trevor Daniels 
> <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> ha scritto:
>> I've not heard anything from Federico or Josiah for over a week, so 
>> I've no idea what state Allura at Savannah is in.  I suggest we wait 
>> a few days for news before inviting devs to join at SF, in case the 
>> Savannah system comes on line soon.
> I gave up with Allura. I started working on it just "by accident". 
> Josiah has the skills to work on it, while I don't.

A pity, but thanks anyway for starting this off.
> There's no https connection at the moment but I _think_ that nobody is 
> working on a solution:
> http://bugs.lilypond.org/

Nacho has included bugs.lilypond.gnu.org as an alias on the apache
configuration and he has been asked to set this up as a DNS name.
I've not yet heard back from him, so don't know if this has been done.

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