Hi Karim,
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Karim Haddad <karim.had...@ircam.fr>
> Hello list,
> I hope this issue is not reported. If it is sorry to post it again :
> in this example :
> \version "2.19.25"
> {
> \override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
> \override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##t
> c'4 \< c'2 c'4 \!
> |
> \revert Hairpin.stencil
> c'4 \< c'2 c'4 \!
> |
> }
> if flared-hairpin and circled-tip are used together, the circled-tip won't
> appear. It is also the case in the stable version 2.18
I worked on this a time. The attached is where I left off. Note that this
will make circled tips and it will also break Ferneyhough haipins across
lines (not covered by issue 3357). I think I put aside working on this
because of deciding how to deal with breaks in some of the more strange
shapes possible -- though it shouldn't be too hard to filter this down to a
patch for the tracker issue and leave breaks for later.
Anyway, hope this helps!
\version "2.19.23"
'height of any piece of a broken hairpin is always the same. It
represents the rise of either wing of the hairpin.
The stencil Y-extent of the hairpin =
(-y . y)
where y =
for full-size pieces:
height + (0.5 * line-thickness)
for reduced-size pieces:
(2/3 * height) + (0.5 * line-thickness)
Use the stencil X-extent for X of hairpin.
For Y, it seems more straightforward to use 'height instead of Y-extent,
because then we can simply draw the wing without needing to factor in
height * factor [either 1.0 or 2/3]
#(define-public ((elbowed-hairpin coords mirrored?) grob)
"Create hairpin based on a list of @var{coords} in @code{(cons x y)}
form. @code{x} is the portion of the width consumed for a given line
and @code{y} is the portion of the height. For example,
@code{'((0.3 . 0.7) (0.8 . 0.9) (1.0 . 1.0))} means that at the point
where the hairpin has consumed 30% of its width, it must
be at 70% of its height. Once it is to 80% width, it
must be at 90% height. It finishes at
100% width and 100% height. @var{mirrored?} indicates if the hairpin
is mirrored over the Y-axis or if just the upper part is drawn.
Returns a function that accepts a hairpin grob as an argument
and draws the stencil based on its coordinates.
#(define simple-hairpin
(elbowed-hairpin '((1.0 . 1.0)) #t))
\\relative c' {
\\override Hairpin #'stencil = #simple-hairpin
a\\p\\< a a a\\f
@end lilypond
Broken elbowed hairpins are possible, though more complex definitions
(exceeding two pairs for @var{coords}) are not accomodated.
(define (pair-to-list pair)
(list (car pair) (cdr pair)))
(define (normalize-coords goods x y)
(lambda (coord)
(cons (* x (car coord)) (* y (cdr coord))))
(define (my-c-p-s points thick decresc?)
(if decresc? -1.0 1.0)
;; outer let to trigger suicide
(let ((sten (ly:hairpin::print grob)))
(if (grob::is-live? grob)
(let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
(siblings (ly:spanner-broken-into orig))
(broken? (pair? siblings))
(first? (or (not broken?)
(eq? grob (first siblings))))
(last? (or (not broken?)
(eq? grob (last siblings))))
(middle? (not (or first? last?)))
(decresc? (eq? (ly:grob-property grob 'grow-direction) LEFT))
(cresc? (not decresc?))
(niente? (ly:grob-property grob 'circled-tip #f))
; In the case of a broken hairpin, only one piece will
; be `flared' or receive a circle
(flared? (or (and decresc? first?)
(and cresc? last?)))
(circled? (and niente?
(or (and decresc? last?)
(and cresc? first?))))
(height (ly:grob-property grob 'height 0.2))
(height (* height (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob)))
; calculation of radius of circle for circled tip
; by method used in `cc/hairpin.cc'
(rad (* height 0.525))
(xex (ly:stencil-extent sten X))
; X-extent adjusted for circle at beginning or end
; of hairpin
(xex (if circled?
(if decresc?
(cons (car xex) (- (cdr xex) (* rad 2)))
(cons (+ (car xex) (* rad 2)) (cdr xex)))
(lenx (interval-length xex))
(xtrans (+ (car xex) (if decresc? lenx 0)))
(ytrans (car (ly:stencil-extent sten Y)))
(thick (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness 0.1))
(thick (* thick (layout-line-thickness grob)))
(circle (if circled?
(make-circle-stencil rad thick #f)
(circle-yex (ly:stencil-extent circle Y))
; It is conceptually problematic to draw constante hairpins with the
; same routine as flared hairpins. They are neither crescendos nor
; decrescendos, and the 'uptick' does not represent a change in
; dynamic level. Provision is made here to accommodate them, but they
; should probably be handled separately, with another grob.
(constante? (eq? constante-hairpin
(ly:assoc-get 'stencil (ly:grob-basic-properties grob))))
; The following variables are needed to accommodate differences
; in the starting and ending heights of the segments of broken hairpins.
; See the definition of ly:hairpin::print in hairpin.cc.
(small (/ 1 3))
(mid (/ 2 3))
(full 1.0)
; A constante 'hairpin' only makes sense with the
; 'uptick' at the end, as it simply marks the end of
; the previously indicated dynamic level. Therefore, we
; produce the same results whether user creates it with
; a cresc. or decresc.
(constante? 0.0)
;(if decresc?
; (if first? full 0.0)
; 0.0))
(if first? full mid))
(if first? 0.0 small))))
(if last? full 0.0))
;(if decresc?
; (if last? 0.0 full)
; full))
(if last? 0.0 small))
(if last? full mid))))
; Y scale factor for broken and unbroken segments
(abs (- endh starth)))
; Since make-connected-path-stencil draws from an origin of
; (0, 0), segments that don't converge must be translated vertically.
(offset (if constante?
(if decresc?
(* endh height)
(* starth height))))
; If piece is flared, we use the provided coordinates; otherwise,
; we draw an ordinary hairpin or horizontal line (constante). This
; means that only the simplest custom hairpins are accomodated.
(coords (if flared?
(if constante?
; -->horizontal line
(list (cons 1.0 0.0))
; -->ordinary hairpin
(list (cons 1.0 1.0)))))
; slight adjustment for the unlikely case of a niente constante hairpin
(ytrans (if (and constante? circled?)
(+ ytrans (car circle-yex))
; scale for broken/unbroken
(coords (normalize-coords coords 1 height-multiplier))
(uplist (map pair-to-list
(normalize-coords coords
(downlist (map pair-to-list
(normalize-coords coords
(- height))))
(upstil (my-c-p-s uplist thick decresc?))
(downstil (if mirrored?
(my-c-p-s downlist thick decresc?)
; The outer stencil-translate produces no effect on the vertical positioning
; of the hairpin.
;(display ytrans) (newline)
;(display offset) (newline)
(if decresc? (cons rad offset) (cons (- rad) offset)))
(ly:stencil-translate upstil (cons 0 offset))
(ly:stencil-translate downstil (cons 0 (- offset))))
(cons xtrans ytrans))
; ly:stencil-translate can only displace a stencil vertically
; with relation to another stencil.
(if decresc? (cons rad offset) (cons (- rad) offset)))
(ly:stencil-translate upstil (cons 0 offset))
(ly:stencil-translate downstil (cons 0 (- offset))))
(cons xtrans ytrans))))
#(define-public flared-hairpin
(elbowed-hairpin '((0.95 . 0.4) (1.0 . 1.0)) #t))
#(define-public constante-hairpin
(elbowed-hairpin '((1.0 . 0.0) (1.0 . 1.0)) #f))
#(define-public normal-hairpin
(elbowed-hairpin '((1.0 . 1.0)) #t))
#(define-public bizarre-hairpin
(elbowed-hairpin '((0.5 . 1.0) (0.6 . 0.2) (0.8 . 1.2) (0.9 . 0.0) (1.0 . 1.0)) #t))
\layout {
ragged-right = ##t
indent = 0
\markup "ordinary cresc"
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\f
\markup "ordinary Ferneyhough cresc"
\override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\f
\markup "ordinary niente cresc"
\override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\f
\override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
r2 r4 r8 r16 g16~\<
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\sfz
\markup "Ferneyhough niente cresc"
\override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
\override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
r2 r4 r8 r16 g16~\<
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\f
\markup "Ferneyhough constante"
%\override Hairpin.stencil = #normal-hairpin
\override Hairpin.stencil = #constante-hairpin
%\override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
%\override Hairpin.stencil = #bizarre-hairpin
%\override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
g1\p ~\<
%\override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(-1.5 . 0)
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\sfz
%\override Hairpin.stencil = #normal-hairpin
\override Hairpin.stencil = #constante-hairpin
%\override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
%\override Hairpin.stencil = #bizarre-hairpin
\override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
%\override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(-1.5 . 0)
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\sfz
\markup "ordinary decresc al niente"
\override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\!
\markup "Ferneyhough decresc al niente"
\override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
\override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
g4 ~ g4 ~ g8\!
\markup "Your example"
\override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
\override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##t
c'4 \< c'2 c'4 \!
\revert Hairpin.stencil
c'4 \< c'2 c'4 \!
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