LilyPond 2.19.21 will process the attached file without error but 2.19.22
prints the following:

Parsing...C:/Program Files
music-functions.scm:1987:3: In procedure map-some-music in expression
music (lambda # #) (expand-repeat-chords! # music) ...):
C:/Program Files
tions.scm:1987:3: Wrong number of arguments to #<procedure map-some-music
Knute Snortum
(sent from Gmail)
\version "2.19.21"
\language "english"

\header {
  title        = "Les Trois Valses Distinguées du Précieux Dégoûté"
  subtitle     = "III. Ses Jambes"
  composer     = "Erik Satie (1866-1925)"
  dedication   = "à René CHALUPT"
  style        = "Avant-garde"
  license      = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
  enteredby    = "Knute Snortum"
  lastupdated  = "2015-Jun-21"
  date         = "1914"
  source       = "Paris: Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 1916. Plate R.L. 10,166 & Cie."

  mutopiatitle       = "Ses Jambes"
  mutopiacomposer    = "SatieE"
  mutopiainstrument  = "Piano"
  maintainer         = "Knute Snortum"
  maintainerEmail    = "knute (at) snortum (dot) net"
  maintainerWeb      = "";

% ------------------------------
% --- Changes from the score ---
% ------------------------------

% Bar 5: missing bass clef
% Bar 14: extra quarter rest
% Bar 34: third beat, inner voice, add same chord as second beat

% ----------------
% --- Preamble ---
% ----------------

\markup {
  \column {
    \line { \hspace #32 Le premier soin du propriétaire, quand il est arrivé à }
    \line { \hspace #30 sa ferme, doit etre de saluer ses Pénates domestiques; }
    \line { \hspace #30 puis le meme jour, s'il en a le loisir, qu'il fasse le }
    \line { \hspace #30 tour de son domaine; qu'il voie l'état des cultures; les } 
    \line { \hspace #30 travaux achevés, ceux qui ne le sont pas. }
    \line { \hspace #28 (CATON: "De ne rustica" traduction A. JEANROY et A. PEUCH) }
    \line { \null }

% -------------------
% --- Definitions ---
% -------------------

staffUp = \change Staff = "upper"
staffDown = \change Staff = "lower"

forceHShiftOne = \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = -1
forceHShiftTwo = \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = -0.3

tweakF = \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(-1.75 . -4) 
tweakTempo = \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-2 . 2)
tweakFTwo = \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(0 . -4) 
tweakDanse = \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.5)
tweakPp = \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(-3 . -2) 
tweakRest = \once \override Rest.extra-offset = #'(0.5 . 0)
tweakP = \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(-1 . -3)
tweakFTwo = \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(0 . -1) 

shapeOne = \shape #'((0 . 1.5) (0 . 1.5) (0 . 1.5) (0 . 1.5)) Slur 

% --- Text
fier = \markup { \upright "Il en est très fier." }
danseOne = \markup { \upright "Elles ne dansent" }
danseTwo = \markup { \upright "que des danse de choix." }
plates = \markup { \upright "Ce sont de belles jambes plates." }
noir = \markup { \upright "Le soir, elles sont vêtues de noir." }
porter = \markup { \upright "Il veut les porter sous son bras." }
glissent = \markup { \upright "Elles glissent, toutes mélancoliques." }
indig = "Les voici indignées, très en colère."

% --- Musical terms
determine = \markup { \large \bold \upright "Déterminé" }
mains = "des deux mains"
rebond = "rebondissez sommairement"
toussez = "Ne toussez pas"

% -------------
% --- Music ---
% -------------

highVoice = \relative {
  <a' d>4-> ( <cs e> <b g'> |
  <a d>4-> <cs e> <b g'> ) |
  <a c!>4-> ( < bf d> <c f> |
  <a c>4-> < bf d> <c f> ) |
  fs,8 ( gs b!4 fs!8 gs! |
  b4 e,8 fs a4 |
  e8 fs a4 ) s4 |
  s2. |
  \barNumberCheck 9
  s2. * 4 |
  b,4 ( cs e |
  b4 cs e ) |
  a4 ( b d |
  a4 b d ) |
  \barNumberCheck 17
  fs'8 ( a ) r4 fs!8 ( a ) |
  r4 fs8 ( a ) r4 |
  fs,8 ( a ) r4 fs!8 ( a ) |
  r4 fs8 ( a ) r4 |
  cs,2 ( fs4 ~ |
  fs4 cs 2 |
  b2 d4 ~ |
  d4 b2 ) |
  \barNumberCheck 25
  b8 ( g f?4 b8 g |
  f?4 b8 g f?4 ) |
  a8 ( f? e4 a8 f? |
  e4 a8 f? e4 ) |
  <a, b>4 ( <bf c> <b e> ) |
  <a b>4 ( <bf c> <b e> ) |
  <g a>4 ( <gs b> <a d> ) |
  <g a>4 ( <gs b> <a d> ) |
  \barNumberCheck 33
  r4 ( fs''8 cs' fs4 ) |
  r4 ( e,8 b'? d4 ) |
  r4 ( fs,8 cs' fs4 ) |
  r4 ( e,8 b'? d4 ) |

upperMiddle = \relative {
  s2. * 8 |
  \barNumberCheck 9
  s2. * 4
  \forceHShiftOne g2. |
  \forceHShiftOne g2. |
  f'!4 g a |
  f4 g a |
  \barNumberCheck 17
  b4 ( cs e |
  b4 cs e |
  a,4 b d |
  a4 b d ) |
  e,4 ( fs a |
  e4 fs a ) |
  d,4 ( e g  |
  d4 e g ) |
  \barNumberCheck 25
  r4 b,2-> |
  b2-> b4-> |
  r4 a2-> |
  a2-> a4-> |
  s2. * 4 |
  \barNumberCheck 33
  s4 <bf' d> <bf! d> | 
  s4 <bf c!> q |
  s4 <bf d> <bf! d> | 
  s4 <bf c!> q |

lowerMiddle = \relative {
  s2. * 8 |
  \barNumberCheck 9
  c!8 ( d fs4 c8 d |
  fs4 c8 d fs!4 |
  c8 d fs4 c8 d |
  fs4 c8 d fs!4 ) |
  b,2 f'4\rest |
  b,2 f'4\rest |
  s2. * 2 |
  \barNumberCheck 17
  s2. * 4 |
  b2. _~ |
  b2 \tweakRest b4\rest |
  a2. _~ |
  a2 \tweakRest a4\rest |
  \barNumberCheck 25
  s2. * 8 |
  \barNumberCheck 33
  fs'2. _( |
  g2. |
  fs2. |
  g2 g,4\rest ) |

lowVoice = \relative {
  \clef treble
  <fs' g>4 ( <e g> <d g> |
  <fs g>4 <e g> <d g> ) |
  <ef g>4 ( <f! g> <d g> |
  <ef g>4 <f g> <d g> ) |
  \clef bass
  bf4 <d f!> <d e> |
  fss,4 <cs' d> <b? d> |
  <gs, gs'>4-> <fs fs'>-. <e e'>-. |
  <d d'>4-> <cs cs'>-. <b b'>-.
  \barNumberCheck 9
  \repeat unfold 4 { <bf bf'>4-> <bf! bf'!>-. <bf! bf'!>-. | }
  \forceHShiftTwo a'2 ( e4 
  \forceHShiftTwo a2 )r4 |
  s2. * 2 |
  \barNumberCheck 17
  s2. * 8 |
  \barNumberCheck 25
  fs'4 ( g _\indig a |
  fs4 g a ) |
  e4 ( fs g |
  e4 fs g ) |
  <g, g'>4-. <f! f'!>-. <e e'>-. |
  <d d'>4-. <c? c'?>-. <b b'>-. |
  <e e'>4-. <d d'>-. <c c'>-. |
  <e e'>2-> r4 |
  \barNumberCheck 33

% --- Dynamics, text, and musical terms

dynamicsHigh = {
  \tweakF \tweakTempo s2. \f -\determine
  s2. * 3 |
  \tweakFTwo s2. \f 
  \tweakDanse s2 -\danseOne s4 \break
  s2. -\danseTwo
  s2. |
  \barNumberCheck 9
  s2. * 4 |
  s2. -\noir |
  s2. * 3 |
  \barNumberCheck 17
  \tweakPp s2. \pp |
  s2. * 3 |
  s4 s -\rebond s |
  s2. * 3 |
  \barNumberCheck 25
  \tweakP s2. \p |
  s2. * 3 |
  \tweakFTwo s4 \f s-\toussez s |
  s2. * 3 |

dynamics = {
  s2 s4 -\fier |
  s2. * 7 |
  \barNumberCheck 9
  s4 s -\plates s |
  s2. * 3 |
  s2. \p
  s2. |
  s2. -\mains
  \barNumberCheck 17
  s2. -\porter |
  s2. * 3 |
  s2. -\glissent |
  s2. * 3 |

% -----------------------
% --- Layout and MIDI ---
% -----------------------

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 3/4

upper = {
  \clef treble
    \new Voice { \voiceOne \highVoice }
    \new Voice { \voiceTwo \upperMiddle }

lower = {
  \clef bass
    \new Voice { \voiceThree \lowerMiddle }
    \new Voice { \voiceFour \lowVoice }

\paper {
  top-margin = 8\mm                              %-minimum top-margin: 8mm
  top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = #5         %-dist. from bottom of top margin to the first markup/title
  markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = #6      %-dist. from header/title to first system
  top-system-spacing.basic-distance = #12        %-dist. from top margin to system in pages with no titles
  last-bottom-spacing.basic-distance = #11       %-pads music from copyright block
  % --- Set these to false after all editing is finished
  ragged-bottom = ##t
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t
  ragged-right = ##t

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Dynamics { \global \dynamicsHigh }
    \new Staff = "upper" \upper
    \new Dynamics { \global \dynamics }
    \new Staff = "lower" \lower
  \layout { 
    \context {
      \hide BarLine
      \hide SpanBar
      \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
    \context {
      \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

\include ""

\score {
  \articulate <<
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff ="upper" \upper
      \new Staff = "lower" \lower
  \midi { 
    \tempo 4 = 208

% --------------------
% --- Translations ---
% --------------------

\markup {
  \column {
    \line { Translations by \with-url #""; { "Google Translate" } and some research }
    \line { \null }
    \line { Title: }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold { Les Trois Valses Distinguées du Précieux Dégoûté } - Three Distinguished Waltzes of a Precious Fop }
    \line { \null }
    \line { Subtitle: }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold { Ses Jambes } - His Legs }
    \line { \null }
    \line { Preamble: }
    \line { \hspace #2 The first care of the owner, when he arrived at his farm  }
    \line { \hspace #2 must be to salute his household household gods;  }
    \line { \hspace #2 then the same day, if he has leisure, he should tour }
    \line { \hspace #2 his domain, see the condition of his crops -- the work }
    \line { \hspace #2 that is completed, and that which is not. }
    \line { \hspace #2 (Caton: "About the Country" translation A. JEANROY and A. PEUCH) }
    \line { \null }
    \line { Text: }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \fier - He is very proud. }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold "Elles ne dansent que des danse de choix." - They only dance the select dances. }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \plates - They are beautiful, thin legs. }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \noir - At night, they are dressed in black. }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \porter - He wants to carry them under his arm. }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \glissent - They glide, all melancholy. }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \indig - Here they are indignant, very angry. }
    \line { \null }
    \line { Musical Terms: }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold Déterminé - Determined }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \mains - with both hands }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \rebond - bounce back briefly }
    \line { \hspace #2 \bold \toussez - Do not cough }
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