Thanks Oliver
The correct email address is
The normal procedure is that the Bug Squad will open a new issue in the
tracker if the errors are confirmed.
I cannot comment on the changes proposed, sine I don't know anything
about bagpipe music. I hope others will.
If you know the basics of Git, you may provide a patch against master,
so that developers can easily see what you want to change (the attached
file may be ignored...). You find the information here:
Bug Squad, I found only this issue related to bagpipe in the tracker:
---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: Oliver Briede <>
Oggetto: Aw: Re: Several notation errors in
Data: Sun, 7 Jun 2015 10:20:31 +0200
A: Federico Bruni <>
Cc: Julia Meihöfer <>
Hello Federico,
we attached the corrected version 2.19. All changes are
commented with the introdutction "@JO".
Our corrections are based on research we did for Julias Bachelor Thesis
in computer engineering 'Identification, notation and reproduction of
the Great Highland Bagpipe sound' in August 2014. Sources are:
1. Our own long year piping experience with teachers from Germany,
Canada and Scotland
2.Different literature from the College of Piping (Scotland) and
McGillivray Piping (Canada)
3. Personal support from the College of Piping (e.g. James MacHattie,
quoted below):
# Start of quote:
Hi Julia – this is an easy one – BMW is correct in each case!
Lilypond has all the top hand strikes incorrect – they should all be
done with one finger on the top hand, not all fingers. That explains
the low notes in Lilypond (incorrect) vs the higher notes in BMW
(correct). I hope that makes sense.
James MacHattie
Director of Education
College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada
619 Water Street East
Summerside, PEI, C1N 4H8
# End of quote
Best regards,
Julia Meihoefer and Oliver Briede
Gesendet: Samstag, 06. Juni 2015 um 22:28 Uhr
Von: "Federico Bruni" <>
An: "Oliver Briede and Julia Meihoefer" <>
Betreff: Re: Several notation errors in
Il giorno sab 6 giu 2015 alle 22:14, Oliver Briede and Julia Meihoefer
<> ha scritto:
> We found a severe number of notation and naming errors in
> (versions 2.17.30 and 2.19.0) and edited about 30 lines in version
> 2.19.0.
> We would like to send the corrected file, but cannot attach it to
> this form.
> Could you provide an email adress to send the corrected file to?
You can see it now
Bagpipe music settings for LilyPond.
This file builds on work by Andrew McNabb (
Substantial changes and additions made by
Sven Axelsson, the Murray Pipes & Drums of Gothenburg
Notation - Errors fixed by Julia Meihoefer and Oliver Briede are marked '@JO'
$Id:,v 1.12 2006/03/16 14:39:46 hanwen Exp $
\version "2.19.0"
% Notes of the scale of the Great Highland Bagpipe. Extra high notes for bombarde.
% Flat notes used mainly in some modern music.
pitchnamesBagpipe = #`(
(G . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 4 NATURAL))
(a . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 5 NATURAL))
(b . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 6 NATURAL))
(c . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 0 SHARP))
(cflat . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 0 FLAT))
(d . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 1 NATURAL))
(e . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 2 NATURAL))
(f . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 3 SHARP))
(fflat . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 3 FLAT))
(g . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 4 NATURAL))
(gflat . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 4 FLAT))
(A . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 5 NATURAL))
(B . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 6 NATURAL))
(C . ,(ly:make-pitch 2 0 SHARP))
pitchnames = \pitchnamesBagpipe
#(ly:parser-set-note-names parser pitchnames)
% Bagpipe music is written in something like D major. If we use
% flattened notes, the flat should be shown on all instances.
hideKeySignature = {
% We normally don't want to show the key signature.
\omit Staff.KeySignature
\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
\key d \major
\accidentalStyle forget
showKeySignature = {
% Show the key signature e.g. for BMW compatibility.
\override Staff.KeySignature.stencil = #ly:key-signature-interface::print
\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
\key d \major
\accidentalStyle forget
% Layout tweaks.
\layout {
\context {
% All stems go down.
\override Stem.direction = #DOWN
% All slurs and ties are on top.
\override Slur.direction = #UP
\override Tie.direction = #UP
% Some common timing tweaks.
% Sets the autobeamer to span quarter notes only. Use for fast music.
quarterBeaming = {
\set Staff.beamExceptions = #'()
halfBeaming = {
\set Staff.beamExceptions =
\beamExceptions { 8[ 8 8 8] |
\tuplet 3/2 { 8[ 8 8] 8[ 8 8] 8[ 8 8] 8[ 8 8] } }
% Reels are in allabreve time with half note beaming.
reelTime = {
\time 2/2
% 4/4 marches are written with numerical time signature and with quarter beaming.
marchTime = {
\time 4/4
% Add appropriate tweaks needed for piping grace notes to look great.
stemspace = #(define-music-function (parser location extent) (pair?) #{
\once \override Staff.Stem.X-extent = #extent
pgrace = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?) #{
\override Score.GraceSpacing.spacing-increment = #0
\override Score.Stem.beamlet-max-length-proportion = #'(0.5 . 0.5)
\small \grace $notes \normalsize
\revert Score.Stem.beamlet-default-length
% Single grace notes
grG = { \pgrace { G32 } }
gra = { \pgrace { a32 } }
grb = { \pgrace { b32 } }
grc = { \pgrace { c32 } }
grd = { \pgrace { d32 } }
gre = { \pgrace { e32 } }
grf = { \pgrace { f32 } }
grg = { \pgrace { g32 } }
grA = { \pgrace { A32 } }
% Doublings
dblG = { \pgrace { g32[ G d] } }
dbla = { \pgrace { g32[ a d] } }
dblb = { \pgrace { g32[ b d] } }
dblc = { \pgrace { g32[ c d] } }
dbld = { \pgrace { g32[ d e] } }
dble = { \pgrace { g32[ e f] } }
dblf = { \pgrace { g32[ f g] } }
% These are the same as the half doublings.
dblg = { \pgrace { g32[ f] } }
dblA = { \pgrace { A32[ g] } }
% Half doublings
hdblG = { \pgrace { G32[ d] } }
hdbla = { \pgrace { a32[ d] } }
hdblb = { \pgrace { b32[ d] } }
hdblc = { \pgrace { c32[ d] } }
hdbld = { \pgrace { d32[ e] } }
hdble = { \pgrace { e32[ f] } }
hdblf = { \pgrace { f32[ g] } }
hdblg = { \pgrace { g32[ f] } }
hdblA = { \pgrace { A32[ g] } }
% Thumb doublings
tdblG = { \pgrace { A32[ G d] } }
tdbla = { \pgrace { A32[ a d] } }
tdblb = { \pgrace { A32[ b d] } }
tdblc = { \pgrace { A32[ c d] } }
tdbld = { \pgrace { A32[ d e] } }
tdble = { \pgrace { A32[ e f] } }
tdblf = { \pgrace { A32[ f g] } }
tdblg = { \pgrace { A32[ g f] } }
% Shakes / Pele
% A few of these can't really be played and are here only for consistency.
% @JO: We would skip the previous comment line. It is irritating, because some triple strikes
% are intentionally left out, because they can't be played.
shakea = { \pgrace { g32[ a e a G] } }
shakeb = { \pgrace { g32[ b e b G] } }
shakec = { \pgrace { g32[ c e c G] } }
shaked = { \pgrace { g32[ d e d G] } }
wshaked = { \pgrace { g32[ d e d c] } } % @JO: added missing light shake
shakee = { \pgrace { g32[ e f e a] } }
%shakef = { \pgrace { g32[ f g f a] } } % @JO: changed a to e
shakef = { \pgrace { g32[ f g f e] } }
shakeg = { \pgrace { A32[ f g a] } }
shakeA = { \pgrace { A32[ g A a] } }
% Half shakes / Half Pele
%hshakea = { \pgrace { a32[ d a G] } } % @JO: changed d to e
hshakea = { \pgrace { a32[ e a G] } }
%hshakeb = { \pgrace { b32[ d b G] } } % @JO: changed d to e
hshakeb = { \pgrace { b32[ e b G] } }
%hshakec = { \pgrace { c32[ d c G] } } % @JO: changed d to e
hshakec = { \pgrace { c32[ e c G] } }
hshaked = { \pgrace { d32[ e d G] } }
whshaked = { \pgrace { d32[ e d c] } } % @JO: added missing light half shake
hshakee = { \pgrace { e32[ f e a] } }
%hshakef = { \pgrace { f32[ g f a] } } % @JO: changed a to e
hshakef = { \pgrace { f32[ g f e] } }
%hshakeg = { \pgrace { g32[ f g a] } } % @JO: changed f to A and a to f
hshakeg = { \pgrace { g32[ A g f] } }
hshakeA = { \pgrace { A32[ g A a] } }
% Thumb shakes / Thumb Peles
%tshakea = { \pgrace { A32[ a d a G] } } % @JO: changed d to e
tshakea = { \pgrace { A32[ a e a G] } }
%tshakeb = { \pgrace { A32[ b d b G] } } % @JO: changed d to e
tshakeb = { \pgrace { A32[ b e b G] } }
%tshakec = { \pgrace { A32[ c d c G] } } % @JO: changed d to e
tshakec = { \pgrace { A32[ c e c G] } }
tshaked = { \pgrace { A32[ d e d G] } }
wtshaked = { \pgrace { A32[ d e d c] } } % @JO: added missing light thumb shake
tshakee = { \pgrace { A32[ e f e a] } }
%tshakef = { \pgrace { A32[ f g f a] } } % @JO: changed a to e
tshakef = { \pgrace { A32[ f g f e] } }
%tshakeg = { \pgrace { A32[ f g a] } } % @JO: changed f to g, g to A, a to g and add f
tshakeg = { \pgrace { A32[ g A g f] } }
tshakeA = { \pgrace { A32[ g A a] } }
% Slurs / G - Grace Strike
% A few of these can't really be played and are here only for consistency.
% @JO: We would skip the previous comment line. It is irritating, because some triple strikes
% are intentionally left out, because they can't be played.
slura = { \pgrace { g32[ a G] } }
slurb = { \pgrace { g32[ b G] } }
slurc = { \pgrace { g32[ c G] } }
slurd = { \pgrace { g32[ d G] } }
wslurd = { \pgrace { g32[ d c] } }
slure = { \pgrace { g32[ e a] } }
%slurf = { \pgrace { g32[ f a] } } % @JO: changed a to e
slurf = { \pgrace { g32[ f e] } }
slurg = { \pgrace { A32[ f a] } }
slurA = { \pgrace { f32[ a] } }
% Half slurs / Half Strike
hslura = { \pgrace { a32[ G] } }
hslurb = { \pgrace { b32[ G] } }
hslurc = { \pgrace { c32[ G] } }
hslurd = { \pgrace { d32[ G] } }
whslurd = { \pgrace { d32[ c] } }
hslure = { \pgrace { e32[ a] } }
%hslurf = { \pgrace { f32[ a] } } % @JO: changed a to e
hslurf = { \pgrace { f32[ e] } }
%hslurg = { \pgrace { g32[ a] } } % @JO: changed a to f
hslurg = { \pgrace { g32[ f] } }
hslurA = { \pgrace { A32[ a] } }
% Thumb slurs / Thumb Strike
tslura = { \pgrace { A32[ a G] } }
tslurb = { \pgrace { A32[ b G] } }
tslurc = { \pgrace { A32[ c G] } }
tslurd = { \pgrace { A32[ d G] } }
wtslurd = { \pgrace { A32[ d c] } }
tslure = { \pgrace { A32[ e a] } }
%tslurf = { \pgrace { A32[ f a] } } % @JO: changed a to e
tslurf = { \pgrace { A32[ f e] } }
%tslurg = { \pgrace { A32[ f a] } } % @JO: changed f to g and a to f
tslurg = { \pgrace { A32[ g f] } }
tslurA = { \pgrace { f32[ a] } }
% Catches / Half Grip
%catcha = { \pgrace { a32[ G d G] } } % @JO: Names are irritating for these movements.
%catchb = { \pgrace { b32[ G d G] } } % Does not match with above name conventions.
%catchc = { \pgrace { c32[ G d G] } } % These movements are half catches
%catchd = { \pgrace { d32[ G b G] } } % (shorter than catches).
%catche = { \pgrace { e32[ G d G] } } % Correct movements 'catches' follow here:
catcha = { \pgrace { g32[ a G d G] } }
catchb = { \pgrace { g32[ b G d G] } }
catchc = { \pgrace { g32[ c G d G] } }
catchd = { \pgrace { g32[ d G d G] } } % @JO: added normal d
%catchd = { \pgrace { g32[ d G b G] } } % @JO: this is light d
wcatchd = { \pgrace { g32[ d G b G] } }
catche = { \pgrace { g32[ e G d G] } }
% @JO: Half catches / G - Grace Grip
%gcatcha = { \pgrace { g32[ a G d G] } } % @JO: Names are irritating for these movements.
%gcatchb = { \pgrace { g32[ b G d G] } } % Does not match with above name conventions.
%gcatchc = { \pgrace { g32[ c G d G] } } % These movements are 'normal' catches
%gcatchd = { \pgrace { g32[ d G b G] } } % There is nothing like a 'G - catch'
%gcatche = { \pgrace { g32[ e G d G] } } % Correct movements 'half catches' follow here:
hcatcha = { \pgrace { a32[ G d G] } }
hcatchb = { \pgrace { b32[ G d G] } }
hcatchc = { \pgrace { c32[ G d G] } }
hcatchd = { \pgrace { d32[ G d G] } } % @JO: added normal d
%hcatchd = { \pgrace { d32[ G b G] } } % @JO: this is light d
whcatchd = { \pgrace { d32[ G b G] } }
hcatche = { \pgrace { e32[ G d G] } }
% Thumb catches
tcatcha = { \pgrace { A32[ a G d G] } }
tcatchb = { \pgrace { A32[ b G d G] } }
tcatchc = { \pgrace { A32[ c G d G] } }
tcatchd = { \pgrace { A32[ d G d G] } } % @JO: added normal d
%tcatchd = { \pgrace { A32[ d G b G] } } % @JO: this is light d
wtcatchd = { \pgrace { A32[ d G b G] } }
tcatche = { \pgrace { A32[ e G d G] } }
% Triple strikes (BMW has them all, but I've never seen any but the A one used, so ...)
% @JO: See above comment in 'shakes' and 'slurs' section
tripleA = { \pgrace { A32[ g A g A g] } }
% Throws
thrwd = { \pgrace { G32[ d c] } }
Gthrwd = { \pgrace { d32[ c] } }
gripthrwd = { \pgrace { G32[ d G c] } }
thrwe = { \pgrace { e32[ a f a] } }
wthrwe = { \pgrace { e32[ d f d] } }
thrwf = { \pgrace { f32[ e g e] } }
% Birls
birl = { \pgrace { a32[ G a G] } }
wbirl = { \pgrace { G32[ a G] } }
gbirl = { \pgrace { g32[ a G a G] } }
dbirl = { \pgrace { d32[ a G a G] } }
% Grips / Leumluath
grip = { \pgrace { G32[ d G] } }
%dgrip = { \pgrace { G32[ b G] } } % @JO: wrong name. This is b grip
bgrip = { \pgrace { G32[ b G] } }
egrip = { \pgrace { G32[ e G] } }
% Taorluaths
taor = { \pgrace { G32[ d G e] } }
taorjmd = { \pgrace { G32[ d a e] } }
taorold = { \pgrace { G32[ d G a e] } }
%dtaor = { \pgrace { G32[ b G e] } } % @JO: wrong name. This is b taorluath
btaor = { \pgrace { G32[ b G e] } }
Gtaor = { \pgrace { d32[ G e] } }
taoramb = { \pgrace { G32[ d G b e] } }
taoramc = { \pgrace { G32[ d G c e] } }
taoramd = { \pgrace { G32[ d G c d e] } }
% Crunluaths
crun = { \pgrace { G32[ d G e a f a ] } }
dcrun = { \pgrace { G32[ b G e a f a ] } }
Gcrun = { \pgrace { d32[ G e G f a ] } }
crunamb = { \pgrace { G32[ d G b e b f b ] } }
crunamc = { \pgrace { G32[ d G c e c f c ] } }
crunamd = { \pgrace { G32[ d G c d e d f d ] } }
crunambfosg = { \pgrace { e32[ b f b ] } }
crunamcfosg = { \pgrace { e32[ c f c ] } }
crunamdfosg = { \pgrace { e32[ d f d ] } }
% Special piobaireachd notations
grGcad = { \pgrace { G16 } }
gracad = { \pgrace { a16 } }
cad = { \pgrace { \stemspace #'(0 . 0.5) g32[ e8 d32] } }
hcad = { \pgrace { \stemspace #'(0 . 0.5) g32[ e8] } }
tcad = { \pgrace { e8[ d32] } }
thcad = { \pgrace { e8 } }
% This is the same as thrwe
dre = { \pgrace { e32[ a f a] } }
% This is the same as thrwf
dare = { \pgrace { f32[ e g e] } }
bari = { \pgrace { e32[ G f G] } }
dari = { \pgrace { f32[ e g e f e] } }
pthrwd = { \pgrace { G16[ d32 c] } }
darodo = { \pgrace { G32[ d G c G] } }
Gdarodo = { \pgrace { d32[ G c G] } }
pdarodo = { \pgrace { G16[ d32 G c G16] } }
pGdarodo = { \pgrace { d32[ G c G16] } }
% Weird stuff from Joseph MacDonaldâs book
fifteenthcutting = { \pgrace { G32[ d a e a f a e a d] } }
fifteenthcuttingG = { \pgrace { G32[ d a e G f G e G d] } }
Gfifteenthcutting = { \pgrace { d32[ a e a f a e a d] } }
GfifteenthcuttingG = { \pgrace { d32[ a e G f G e G d] } }
seventeenthcutting = { \pgrace { G32[ d a e a f a e a d a c] } }
seventeenthcuttingG = { \pgrace { G32[ d a e G f G e G d G c] } }
Gseventeenthcutting = { \pgrace { d32[ a e a f a e a d a c] } }
GseventeenthcuttingG = { \pgrace { d32[ a e G f G e G d G c] } }
barluadh = { \pgrace { G32[ d a e a f a e a d a c a b a e a f a] } }
barluadhG = { \pgrace { G32[ d a e G f G e G d G c G b G e G f G] } }
Gbarluadh = { \pgrace { d32[ a e a f a e a d a c a b a e a f a] } }
GbarluadhG = { \pgrace { d32[ a e G f G e G d G c G b G e G f G] } }
% Non-gracenote piobaireachd markup.
trebling = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0.4)
\column {
\musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto"
\musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto"
\musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto"
% Abbreviated notation common in piobaireachd scores.
% TODO: Make sure these are put on a fixed Y-position.
txtaor = \markup { \center-align "T" }
txcrun = \markup { \center-align "C" }
txtaorcrun = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8)
\column {
\center-align "T"
\center-align "C"
% Turn these upside down, as in the Kilberry book.
txtaoram = \markup { \center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "T" }
txcrunam = \markup { \center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "C" }
txtaorcrunam = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8)
\column {
\center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "T"
\center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "C"
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