I have a possible bug here.  This may be another "Yeah, we know there are
problems with acciaccatura."

When using articulate.ly and \barNumberCheck, you can get into a pickle
where the bar check never reports correctly.  In my sample, the bar number
should be bar 3, but you get a warning saying it's bar 2.  Strangely, when
you change it to bar two, it says it got bar 3.

Here is my sample with a couple bars before for context.

\version "2.19.19"
\language "english"
\include "articulate.ly"

rh = \relative c'' {
  \time 3/4
  <a e'>2. \prall |
  R1 * 3/4 \fermataMarkup |

  % --- The following gets an error: Barcheck failed
  \barNumberCheck #3
  << { \acciaccatura { e'16 f } g8 f16 e e8 e e e }
     { \grace { s8 } c2. }
  >> |

lh = \relative c, {
  \time 3/4
  \clef bass
  <a a'>2. |
  R1 * 3/4 \fermataMarkup |

  \barNumberCheck #3
  <c c'>4 q q |

\score {
  \articulate <<
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff \rh
      \new Staff \lh
  \layout {
  \midi {

Knute Snortum
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