TorbjörnBjörkman <> writes:

> I try to hide the first stem in a beam group and expect this to keep the
> beam, just as happens if you hide any other stem in the group. However, the
> whole beam goes away.
> I run lilypond version 2.18.2 on a Mac.
> Code snippet that demonstrates the issue follows. The first two beam groups
> show the expected behaviour and the last fails. This seems to be a bug.
> Best regards,
> Torbjörn Björkman
> \score{
>   \new Staff 
>   \relative c' {
>     \cadenzaOn
>     c8[ e \once \hide Stem f] 
>     c[ \once \hide Stem e f] 
>     \once \hide Stem c[ e f] 
>   }
> }     

That's the intended consequence of issue 2866

Rereading the issue, I'm not quite sure about the exact rationale but
the main motivation appears to stem from automatic rather than manual

The report mentions a number of other issue reports.  The implementation
of the change was through

    dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond$ git log -p bd599be12
    commit bd599be12a872b9ca95ebc78e0880e2d13c26b4f
    Author: Keith OHara <>
    Date:   Tue May 14 21:53:25 2013 -0700

        Beams: be transparent if the first stem is transparent; issue 2866

        so that \hideNotes does not hide automatic beams that could have,
        but did not, start on a hidden note.

though I provided an initial version of the patch.

David Kastrup

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