Am 06.09.2014 um 15:34 schrieb Dan Eble:
I'm not top posting.
% The part combiner keeps voices separate for crescendi spanning
% different intervals of time, but not for differing absolute
% dynamics. For consistency, I think it should keep the voices
% separate for differing absolute dynamics.
\version "2.13.0"
Did you mean that? It’s an ancient unstable version.
But the problem is the same with 2.19.12: The warnings
Two simultaneous absolute-dynamic events, junking this one
Previous absolute-dynamic event here
are issued.
soprano = \relative c'' { d4\mf d\< d d\! | d\f d\< d\! d | }
alto = \relative c'' { g4\mf g\< g g\! | g4\mf g\< g g\! | }
\score {
\new Staff <<
\partcombine \soprano \alto
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