
On 23/05/14 15:17, Hans Aberg wrote:
> The file articulate.ly writes ornaments as used before c. 1800, it seems: 
> initially, the PrallTriller was four notes beginning with upper auxiliary, 
> which is what this file writes for \prall but used only in special positions, 
> cf. example below from "Harvard conciseā€, "inverted mordent", but it was 
> replaced by the variation in the example below, called the Schneller. Also, 
> the \trill it writes starts on the upper auxiliary, an older convention, and 
> slows down with longer value of the note (instead of being on the 32nds).
> ----
> \version "2.19.6"
> \include "articulate.ly"
> \language "english"
> music = \new Staff = main {
>   \tempo 4 = 120
>   \time 2/4
> %  \set beatStructure = #'(3 2 2 3 2)
>   \key a \minor
>   \relative c'' {
>      a16\prall g c8\prall  a4\trill | a32(^\markup { \italic "After c. 1800" }
>        b) g16 c32( d c16)  a32( b a b a b a b) |
>      e8( d\prall) c4 | e8^\markup { \italic "Hist. Pralltriller" } ~ e64 d e 
> d ~ d16 c4 |
>   }
> }
> \score {
>   \music
>       \layout {}
> }
> \score {
>   \unfoldRepeats \articulate \music
>       \midi {}
> }
> ----

Can you be more explicit what it is you are requesting (for those that
file bug reports and don't understand the nuances of \pralls and \trills



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