Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> writes:

> Il 03/apr/2014 15:18 "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> ha scritto:
>> "Federico Bruni" <fedel...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:CAPjDBpqfD=4gdg9dxuu2tfyx5fzrnzw8ckjsenkgd67tpyg...@mail.gmail.com...
>>> In the following example:
>>> \version "2.19.3"
>>> \relative c'' {
>>>  \set Staff.fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
>>>  <<
>>>    { a8 }
>>>    \\
>>>    { <g-2> }
>>>  >>
>>> }
>>> there's a collision between the fingering number and the a. Is it a bug?
>> The NR says:
>> "Avoiding collisions with chord fingerings
>> Fingerings and string numbers applied to individual notes will
> automatically avoid beams and stems, but this is not true by default for
> fingerings and string numbers applied to the individual notes of chords."
>> I'm thinking this is what you're seeing?
> Yes, even if my example is not a chord but polyphony.

<g-2> is a chord.  g-2 is an individual note.  fingeringOrientations
will only apply to notes in a chord.

David Kastrup

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