Hi Pierre,

please find two comments inline:

Am 18.02.2014 00:45, schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:
> Hi All,
> As promised here's the step-by-step procedure I'm following to manually
> upgrade the LSR.
> For sure this is not the most facinating literature but I deeply request
> you to read it carefully in order to comfortating all of us that this work
> is not a waste of time.
> All comments and suggestion are, of course, warmly welcome.
> Since english is not my native langage please feel free to ask for
> precision if any doubt.
> 1. open "all" file in an alphabetical order;
> 2. open the first non-upgraded snippet with your favorite editor
> (Frescobaldi/Windows is really helpful since it compiles with any version
> you want);
> ;; Note: non-uppgraded snippets have no attached pdf
> 3. copy the doctitle;
> ;; e.g. doctitle = "Overriding articulations of destinct type"
> 4. googlize the doctitle;
> ;; e.g. site:lilypond.org/doc/v2.18 site:lilypond.org/doc/v2.18 "Overriding
> articulations of destinct type"
> 5. IF it matches : copy/paste the v2.18 doc code THEN 5.1. ELSE 6.;
> 5.1. find the snippet in the LSR by using "search";
> ;; e.g. Overriding articulations
> 5.2. change \version "2.14.2" for \version "2.18.0"

Perhaps, I am misunderstanding what you are doing. But wouldn’t it be
better to use convert-ly here for upgrading from version 2.14.2 (or what
ever the file is) to 2.18.0?
That way you would automatically update the syntax, the snippets will be
more future-proof and you have less trouble with syntax changes. In
short: isn’t that what convert-ly is made for?

> 5.3. delete LSR \header
> 5.4. compile (no particular reason here that warnings will occur but check
> the terminal anyway);
> 5.5. compare the output with the LSR output;
> 5.6. change some settings if needed in oder to reach the same output look
> (alignments have changed since v2.14);
> 5.7. delete version-statements;

Why? Wouldn’t it be good to know that for the future?

> 5.8. add the LSR link on the top as an incommented line;
> ;; e.g. %% http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=774
> ;; Note: this could be pretty helpfull and will save time for future
> upgrades/updates.
> 5.9. optional : if possible, add any relevant links as incommented lines;
> ;; e.g. %% see also
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/modifying-single-staves#ossia-staves
> ;; e.g. %% upgraded by ... see http:/...
> 5.10. save the snippet
> 5.11. IF all daily work snippets have been upgraded THEN 9. ELSE 2.;
> 6. find the snippet in the LSR by using "search";
> ;; e.g. Ossia staves
> 6.1. delete LSR \header and update the snippet to v2.18;
> 6.2. compile the snippet and check for warnings;
> 6.3. IF it compiles without any or abnormal warning THEN 6.4. ELSE 7.
> 6.4. IF the code looks like a v2.18 one or can easily be upgraded AND IF
> the ouput, the title and the description don't seem obsolete THEN 5.5. ELSE
> 8.
> 7. googlize the title, part of the title, part of the code into the usual
> LilyPond sites, boards or lists to chek for higher/better code that would
> do the job.
> 7.1. IF it matches copy/paste the link(s) as an incommented line (add any
> comments if needed), copy/paste the new code THEN 5.5. ELSE 8.;
> ;; 7. & 7.1 are fairly important and save a bunch of times since it avoids
> sending silly questions to the BugSquad as I did at the very beginning...
> 8. IF it does not match OR IF it's possibly obsolete OR IF no simple
> correction (see P.S.) can be applied, send a message to the BugSquad with
> explanation, with or without ideas, codes or any remark that could be
> helpful;
> 8.1. delete the attached pdf and/or other outputs;
> 8.2. add a number at the snippet file name (#00 for "waiting room", #0 for
> "deleted", #1 for "modificated" and #2 for "upgraded") in order to gathered
> them on the top of the list.
> 8.3. wait for a new code to be send by the Squad and GOTO 5.4.;
> 9. Save "All" file on an external memory (could also prevent from some
> suicidal thoughts).
> ;; The weakest point of this manual update is that it multiplies the error
> risk by 700 (roughly the number of snippets).
> ;; Therefor i'll go for a second round.
> ;; Since I'm not at that stage, the hereunder lines are expected but will
> surely be extended or modified in a near future.
> 1. copy/paste "all" file and rename it "all OLD";
> 2. in the external memory rename the saved "all" file as "all OLD"
> 3. open "all" and delete files other than *.ly files;
> 4. check in the LSR the #0*.ly snippets that have already been deleted;
> 5. delete the relevant #0*.ly snippets in "all";
> 6. rename the other #00*.ly #0*.ly #1*.ly and #2*.ly snippets as they
> originaly were;
> 7. open and check *.ly files one after the other :
> 7.1 check that there's no version-statements;
> 7.2 check that there's no LSR header;
> 7.3 check that, at least, the first line starts with the incommented
> snippet link;
> 7.4 compile and check terminal for any other warning than the "no \version
> statement found" one;
> 8. Save "All" file on an external memory;
> 9. create a tarball with "all" and send it back to Seba;
> 10. send a message to the BugSquad precising the total number of snippets
> into "all" file, the deleted, the modified and the upgraded ones;
> 11. cross fingers.
> Today 450 out of 710 snippets have been treated.
> I'm planning to be ready to send the tarball by March, 1st.
> But this work can sometimes be affected by personal duties (e.g. four of my
> daughters are comming soon for a week, not sure I'll find the time to keep
> on the same rhythm...)
> Anyway, I'll do my best.
> Thanks for reading me !
> Pierre
> P.S. All minor modification will be specified, e.g. :
> %% http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=125
> %% Upgraded by P.P.Schneider on Feb. 2014
> %% see also :
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/modifying-single-staves.fr.html#ossia-staves
> %% see also :
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/bars.fr.html

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