On 06/12/13 23:58, Marten Visser wrote:
I'm not top posting.
Bug report - no return to outer voice at end of associatedvoice
This defect is related to earlier reported defects 1354, 2010, 2608, and
After termination of a cuevoice, it seems not possible to re-attach the
lyrics text to the general outer context, please see the example.
Note that I do not want to give up the use of
Also, the log file complains about:
D:/Marten/Muziek/Bladmuziek/Lilypond/CueVoiceTextError.ly:45:32: warning:
unterminated hyphen; removing
K' -- a -- jal ta' -- a
-- rog
Here's the score
Welcome to LilyPond
\version "2.16.2"
% ------------------------ Noten ---------------------------
musicalContent = #(define-music-function (parser location) ()
% maat 1
g2. c,4 |
r1 |
r1 |
% maat 2
<<as'1 \new CueVoice = "DutchSpecificOne" { as2. f8[ f] }>> |
r1 |
r1 |
% maat 3
f2. bes,4 |
r1 |
r1 |
#}) % End of musicalContent
staffNotes = {
g2. c4 | \noBreak
<<as1 \new CueVoice = "DutchSpecificOne" { as2. f8[ f] }>> |
f2. bes,4 }
% ---------------------- SongTekst -------------------------
StanzaOneHebrewTrans = \lyricmode {
K' -- a -- jal ta' -- a -- rog
al a -- fie -- kee ma -- jiem,
al a -- fie -- kee ma -- jiem, ma -- jiem,
ken naf -- shi ta' -- a -- rog
e -- lè -- cha, A -- do -- nai, e -- lè -- cha, A -- do -- nai.
StanzaOneDutch = \lyricmode {
Als een \set associatedVoice = #"DutchSpecificOne" hert dat
\set associatedVoice = #"Melody"
ver -- langt en dorst
naar stro -- mend "__" wa -- ter,
naar stro -- mend "le-vend" wa -- ter, wa -- ter,
zo ver -- langt en dorst mijn ziel
naar U, A -- do -- nai, naar U A -- do -- nai.
% -------------- Conversion to sheet music -----------------
\parallelMusic #'(VocalStaffNotes
% ---------------------- Generate PDF ----------------------
\score {
\new Staff {
\key c \minor
\time 4/4
\new Voice = "Melody" { \relative c''
\VocalStaffNotes }
% \new Voice = "OuterMelody" { \relative c''
\staffNotes } % gives the same error
\addlyrics {\StanzaOneHebrewTrans}
\addlyrics {\StanzaOneDutch}
\layout { % generate output
Any chance of you cutting this down to a smaller example?
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