2013/12/6 Phil Burfitt <phil.burf...@talktalk.net>

> Carl, you might also like to keep in mind Lilypond's search rankings while
> you redesign. A first page listing would bump up traffic considerable, and
> shouldn't be hard to achieve given that whoever designed lilypond's
> homepage hasn't given any thought to SE ranking - there's just no relevant
> text. (might rank well with "We are happy/pleased/proud to announce"
> though).

> google search term: "music notation software"
> 1. musescore.org
> 2. sibelius.com
> 3. finalemusic.com
> .
> 18. lilypond.org
> google search term: "free music notation software"
> 1. musescore.org
> 2. finalemusic.com
> 3. noteflight.com
> .
>> 200 lilypond.org (couldn't find it - I stopped at page 20)
This is really bad, I never checked it.

These problems should be recorded in our tracker.
So far I've seen 2 issues/feature requests:

1. improve SEO
2. associate a different color scheme to each manual

This is the list of issues when searching "website" in our tracker:

A label:Website may be useful?
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