Jay Anderson wrote
> With the normal \include command and #(ly:set-option
> 'relative-includes #t) relative includes work. However \epsfile
> doesn't follow relative includes. For instance if you have a.ly which
> uses b.eps and compile it from a different directory (e.g. 'lilypond
> ../a.ly') it will fail.
> Here's a workaround:
> % Guile 1.8. This makes a bad assumption that filename is second option on
> the
> % command line. It could be somewhere else or not on the command line at
> all if
> % it is included from another file.
> %
> % What's the right way to do this? It looks like 2.0 has a
> (current-filename)
> % function which might be a better option, but I'm not sure how that
> interacts
> % with lilypond files.
> #(define (relative filename)
>   (string-append (dirname (cadr (command-line))) "/" filename))
> ... \epsfile #X #50 #(relative "file.eps") ...

thanks for this workaround - it works as expected.

I think LilyPond should do this by default and if not the function shouldn't
be named /relative/ (I get problems in my environment in windows)


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