2013/11/4 Steven Weber <pant...@hotmail.com>:
> Lilypond 2.17.29, Windows 7.
> I'm typesetting a piece where the part splits after a multi-measure rest
> (and a forced line break).    No matter what I seem to try, the
> multi-measure rest never fills up the entire bar (as seen in the attached
> example.png).  I've tried overriding the Score.TimeSignature.stencil &
> Score.KeySignature.stencil to be ##f (in both staves) and setting
> break-visibility for both TimeSignature & KeySignature to #all-invisible.
> Since things work exactly as I expect them to using the attached code as
> long as the bar before the break isn't a multi-measure rest, I'm assuming
> this is a bug.
> Thanks!
> --Steven

Hi Steven,

thanks for your report.

It might be a bug or not. I'm not sure.

Though, I guess you likely want to achieve something like:

\version "2.17.29"
\language "english"

\layout {
  \context {
    \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
    \new Staff
        \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #1

        \clef bass
        \key f \major

        \repeat unfold 5 { c4 d e f | }
        R1*5 |
        \repeat unfold 5 { c4 d e f | }

        \new Staff
            \clef bass
            \key f \major

            \repeat unfold 5 {  c,4 d, e, f, | }


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