Hello Lilypond community,

in a recent project I encountered the following bug:
If a clef change occurs at an invisible barline, then in certain cases the clef will be printed far away from its actual position. Minimal example:

\version "2.17.24"

\paper {

line-width = #80

indent = #0


\score {

\new PianoStaff = "Manual"


\new Staff = "right" \relative { a''1 }

\new Staff = "left" \relative { \clef bass

f16 a d, e f g a b \clef tenor \bar "" cis a b cis d f e d }


\layout { }


The bug only occurs with the whole note on the other staff. The output is attached.

Best regards,

Simon Albrecht

<<attachment: clef misplaced.png>>

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