feature request check string with hammer&pulls If one transfers music to tabs beside the problem of ommited notes in case of not defined strings another problem arises with hammer ons and pull offs with different strings.
Example code: \version "2.16.2" \new TabStaff { \key g \major \tabFullNotation \stemDown { \times 2/3{d^" P " (c)^" H" (d)} d^" P" (c\5) \times 2/3{gis,^" H " (f)^" P" (g)} {g,8^"H" (a)} <d b g>8 [g,] } } Lilypond simply could check if the note just befor a hammer or pull and the note after a hammer or pull are on the same string. If not -> a qualified error message (with line number and position). Regards _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond