I come up with one of my ideas again in a feature request. If one simply transfers music to TabStaff as a rule some notes in a Tab make trouble because they are not bound to a string. Often notes are interpreted out of range of the instrument. So the user dediously has to correct the notes of the tab. Sometimes notes are omitted and kill triples, pull offs, hammer ons and the bar structure. One gets just a crippled and useless tab.
Example code: \version "2.16.2" % Tested with % \version 2.17.23-1 % as well \new TabStaff { \key g \major \set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning \tabFullNotation \stemDown \relative c' { \times 2/3{d,^" P " (c)^" H" (d)} %1. quarter note d^" P" (c) %2. quarter note %\times 2/3{gis^" H " (f')^" P" (g)} %3. quarter note %g8^" H" (a) <d b g>8 g %4. quarter note } } There could be support by lilypond very easily! As a rule the next note of a tune very likely is close to the note just befor. (That is a result of many scientific investigations i.e. http://csjarchive.cogsci.rpi.edu/proceedings/2011/papers/0843/paper0843.pdf, http://www.etbu.edu/opencms/handle404?exporturi=/export/sites/default/Academics/universityScholars/siteResources/past_honors_projects/Jennifer_Shafer.pdf - and lots more. Cluster theory comes to a similar conclusion! The graphics show that the change of frequency squared is highest with little change!) May be modern and atonal music follows other rules! Therefore, if lilypond uses the closest note to the note before with the defined name, the chance to fit is highest! In case of undefined octaves lilypond simply should take the closest note to that immediatly before. Example: if a note d is following a c, most likely the d close to c (two halfsteps) is required. I think it is a good idea to mark such a note set by lilypond with a red colour as a sign for the user to check it and eventually change it. Some problems might arise with reentrant tuned instruments like Banjo or Ukulele. Banjo notes sometimes are played on a drone string and out of the usual musical statistics an octave higher. There the user still is needed for correction to his needs. Regards BB _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond