2013/6/23 Danny <dbpolyph...@gmail.com>:
>> I'm not top posting.
> \version "2.16.2"
> % If a clef is changed in retrograde it only prints the new clef
> % It does not move the notes to their new locations on the staff
> % All notes here are the same pitch but during clef changes it is printed
> % incorrectly
> \relative c' {
>   c1 % printed correctly
>   \retrograde {
>     c %printed correctly
>     \clef treble
>     c %printed as though in bass clef
>     \clef treble
>     c % Should be one ledger line above not below the staff in bass clef
>     \clef bass
>     c % Correctly printed in the assumed Treble clef
>   }
> }
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thanks for your report.

\retrograde was implemented in 2.13.x

There you can read:
"A minimal composer toolkit of modal transformations is provided. A
motif may be transposed, inverted and/or converted to its retrograde
within any scale."
This should be read as: "A composer toolkit, with minimal functionality." ;)

In 2.17.-NR
you can read
"Known issues and warnings
Manual ties inside \retrograde will be broken and generate warnings. ... "

Though not only Ties are broken. As the Nr-example shows Slurs are not
printed. Hairpins will return warnings, every simple \override will
lead to surprising results, setting clef-changes (much more complex,
than a simple \override), too.

So far I've tested.

So yes, \retrograde should be improved.
I'd call it an enhancement-request.


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