
please reply to the whole list, not only to me - you will get more
replies (and faster, too!)

2013/6/3 bb <bblo...@arcor.de>:
> With "\parted" you begin the first bar "incomplete", say with "\parted 4"
> you (and lilypond) starts the 1st bar just with a simple quarter note (or
> 2x8th notes ... etc.) what's correct. (In german that is called "Auftakt" -
> sorry, I do not know the English verb for this.) You (or lilypond) has to
> balance this in the last bar with only just 3 quarter notes (or the
> eqivalent shorter notes).

Ah, now i understand better what you mean.
I'm sorry, but you're mistaken.  A partial measure doesn't have to be
balanced anywhere; a composer may choose to do whatever he wishes in
this regard.  For example, this is perfectly valid:

  \clef F
  \key f \major
  \partial 8 a8
  bes8 c' a bes g4. f8
  f4 c f, r

> Here is a correct example, lilypond compiles well, because the incomplete
> bar :
> \version "2.16.2"
> % on Linux
> {
>     \partial 4
>     {
>     a4
>     a b c d
>     a b c
>   }
> }
> If you do NOT balance the 1st note in the last bar, say i. e. you add a
> forth quarter note, may be a "d" in the last bar,
> \version "2.16.2"
> % on Linux
> {
>     \partial 4
>     {
>     a4
>     a b c d
>     a b c d
>   }
> }
> you get an error message by lilypond (what's absolutely correct!).

Well, i don't get any error message.  What error message did you get?

> [...] If you do it correct and use the last section in this way:
> ...
>   \alternative {
>     { a b c d }
>     { a b c }
>   }
> ...
> lilypond does not print the last bar line, because lilypond obviously thinks
> there is missing a quarter note and the bar is incomplete - which is not!!!

Well, LilyPond as a rule doesn't insert the final barline anywhere -
she inserts just the barlines that result from the meter.

> A work around could be to force a bar at the end and override lilypond - I
> have to look for such in the manual.

to print a final barline, use \bar "|."

2013/6/3 bb <bblo...@arcor.de>:
> One more example to show the bug:
> \version "2.16.2"
> % on Linux
> {
>     \partial 4
>     {
>     a4
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>     a b c d
>     a b c d
>   }
>   }
> }

I think i may have an idea what is causing your confusion.  From the
above code it seems that you expect \partial to work on the whole
music expression that follows it.  In other words, i suppose you are
expecting that

\partial 4
  \repeat volta 2 {
    a b c d
    a b c d

will mean that music expression

  \repeat volta 2 {
    a b c d
    a b c d

should be time-shifted by a quarter note.  That's not how partial measures work.
I hope that this explanation will help you...


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