Colin Hall <> writes:

> Colin Hall writes:
>> Karol Majewski writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> Issue 3203 isn't fully solved. There is no SpanBar when including centered
>>> dynamics:
>>> \version "2.17.14"
>>> \new PianoStaff<<
>>>   \new Staff { c''1 c''1 }
>>>   \new Dynamics { s1 s1 \f }
>>>   \new Staff { c''1 c''1 }
>>> Karol
>> So, I'm expecting the SpanBar problem to be fixed in 2.17.14.
> Apologies, Karol. I just noticed that you have used 2.17.14, I didn't
> know that it was out yet.
> OK, I agree, that's a surprise. I'll update the 3192 tracker
> accordingly.

I fished out one difference in logic since this was reported, but that
was not sufficient for curing Karol's case.  Consider me annoyed at my
lack of program flow analysis skills.  It's also annoying that this
again slipped around the regtests (some of which would quite likely have
shown it would they consider spanbars).

David Kastrup

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