On Sun, Jan 06, 2013 at 03:11:28PM +0100, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Il 06/01/2013 14:35, Ralph Palmer ha scritto:
> >in the day) switch with me. If no one wishes to switch, I can stay on
> >Saturday, but I probably won't catch as many bugs as I ought.
> Hi Ralph
> I was discussing privately with Colin the idea of joining the Bug Squad.
> I'm still waiting for the confirmation that reading lilypond-auto is
> not a requisite (my "email capacity" is saturated),

It isn't. I subscribe to lilypond-auto but I skim through them very

> but if that's
> the case I'd like to choose one of the weekend days.
> Colin has Sunday and Monday currently.



The rota in the 2.17 docs is up to date and has been in effect since

 Mon - Colin H
 Tue - Eluze
 Wed - Marek
 Thu - (vacant but will be Joe Wakeling soon)
 Fri - Marek
 Sat - Ralph
 Sun - Colin H

> I would prefer Sunday, but Saturday can be ok.

I was thinking that Marek should get some relief as he has been doing
two days for a long time.

If you took Sunday, Federico, I could take one of Marek's slots.



Colin Hall

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