Welcome back, Ralph.

Officially I'm still the bug meister but I haven't been active for
many weeks due to work and family commitments. Some addition help will
be welcome.

Since you were last on the squad we have a new member, Joseph Wakeling.

Right now the rota is:

Mon - Colin H
Tue - Eluze
Wed - Marek
Thu - Joe
Fri - Marek
Sat - Mark
Sun - Colin H

I suggest you take one of Marek's shifts.


On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 03:50:12PM -0500, Ralph Palmer wrote:
> Greetings -
> Just sent an email to Phil Holmes, then realized it probably could just as
> well (or better) have gone to the whole group.
> We're back from our trip around the country. I'll be out of touch for most
> of the Thanksgiving weekend, but I can rejoin the bug squad, if you still
> want me. I don't think I have any particular day preferences at this point,
> so I could take whatever day is the most "needy".
> I've been gone long enough that I think I could do with an instructional
> refresher. Is there a current set of instructions for new bug squadders?
> Take care,
> Ralph Palmer
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> bug-lilypond@gnu.org
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EH46 7AY

Tel: 01968 661994
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