Thomas Morley <> writes:

> %% The TextSpanner disappears after a linebreak, if the new line
> starts with a MultiMeasureRest.
> %%
> %% 2.12.3 was ok (apart from bad left-broken-padding). 2.12.3-png attached.
> %% Since 2.14.x up to 2.15.42 not. 2.15.42-png attached.
> \version "2.15.39"
> \relative c' {
>         c1\startTextSpan
>         R1 \break
>         R1
>         d2 e\stopTextSpan
> }

That has nothing to do with multi measure rests.  The result is
essentially the same if you write s1 instead of R1.  The problem is
rather the absence of a note column.

David Kastrup

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