dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond$ ../lilypond-extra/patches/test-patches.py 
Error: non-existent directory or directory not containing a valid Git 
repository: No section: 'source'
Please set git_repository_dir in [source] section of the configuration file
  or environment variable LILYPOND_GIT.
dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond$ echo $LILYPOND_GIT

Commit likely responsible for that:

commit 2055c3c568acae6ef4b084af5140e9242b5d31e5
Author: John Mandereau - LilyPond development <john.mander...@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 4 15:55:10 2012 +0200

    [auto build] add timestamps in logs, format Python code and change config
    * move compile_lilypond_test.py and its submodules in a subdirectory;
    * use a configuration variable rather than an environment variable for
    LilyPond git repo directory;
    * make email sender address configurable;
    * code formatting: add space before parentheses in Python code;
    * slightly improve exceptions logic;
    * add timestamps in build log.

David Kastrup

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